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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Beam Knowledge Rep Sept 04

Difference between version 15 and version 14:

At line 81 added 9 lines.
+ **** dataset: 8 lter sites, 28 community types (mainly vegetation classifications, based on the experiments/manipulations done at the sites); 831 species
+ **** dataset characteristics
+ ***** n added (g/m^2/yr), 10 (ARC), 9.5 (CDR), 60/wk (GCE), etc.
+ ***** Form of N: NH4-NO3 pellets (ARC), Liguid Urea-N, NH4-NO3 pellets, etc.
+ ***** Treatment plot size (m^2): differs from 900 to .25
+ ***** Sample plot size (m^2): .25 to 10 (these don't differ that much really: .32, .30, .25, 1) ... it isn't, however, appropriate to compare directly, without the species area curves, the .3's with the 1's
+ ***** Replication: 2 to 10
+ ***** Duration (yrs): 2 to 13
+ ****
Removed line 83

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