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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Beam Knowledge Rep Sept 04

Difference between version 20 and version 19:

Line 91 was replaced by line 91
- *** Data
+ *** Data "Request" (this is basicaly a data procurement request/query)
At line 93 added 7 lines.
+ **** List of vegetational forms; growth forms (secondary growth); herbaceous is a property of plants
+ **** herbaceous Term applied to a nonwoody stem/plant with minimal secondary growth
+ **** example dataset:
+ ***** atts: site, comm, species name, RA_Control, V_Control, RankC, PRankC, n, V_Naddition, RankN, PRankN, Cot, Dur, LF, DLF, HT, CLN, Origin, Family, Response, ImmExt, InRR, Change,
+ ***** comm is a subset of n-fertilization of sites (e.g., tiled and untilled in KBS), thus <Site,Comm> denotes the actual place
+ ***** each row consistutes an observation within an experiment
+ ***** RA_control is the mean, V_control is the variance, the rank is derived from control, ...

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