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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Beam Knowledge Rep Sept 04

Difference between version 40 and version 39:

At line 126 added 16 lines.
+ * __Deana's Example__
+ ** query
+ *** some data by keyword: "biodiversity", "species counts", "abundance", species names, functional trait
+ *** location, e.g., place name, coordinates, bounding box
+ *** sample method
+ *** analysis type, e.g., counts, abundance
+ ** construct logically and semantically equivalent views
+ ** group on sample methods (transect vs plot)
+ ** data
+ *** data1: transection 20m -> rarefaction (species-area curve) -> scale to 1 m interpolation
+ *** data3: transection 20m -> rarefaction (species-area curve) -> scale to 1 m interpolation
+ *** data2: plot 5m^2 -> species-area curve -> scale to 1 m interpolation
+ *** data4: plot 1m^2
+ ** integrate transect data
+ ** integrate plot data
+ ** graphs
Line 132 was replaced by line 148
- ** ...
+ ** Convert Deana's starting workflow to a specific analysis ...

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