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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Beam Knowledge Rep Sept 04

Difference between version 52 and version 51:

Lines 166-167 were replaced by line 166
- *** Participants: Steve Cox, David Chalcraft, Shawn Bowers, Bertram Ludaescher, Mark Schildhauer, Chad Berkley,
- Dan Higgins, Jianting Zhang ([|])
+ *** Participants: Steve Cox, David Chalcraft, Shawn Bowers, Bertram Ludaescher, Mark Schildhauer, Chad Berkley, Dan Higgins, Jianting Zhang ([|])
Removed line 174
Removed line 207
Removed line 209
At line 231 added 36 lines.
+ ** Traits of Interactions
+ *** Competitive ability
+ **** Measure how an individual suppresses the growth of a neighbor
+ *** Interaction strength
+ *** Effect on environment (ability to reduce resources) (Tilman)
+ ** Experimental Methods
+ *** Experiment
+ **** Field Experiment
+ ***** Observational/Empirical Experiment
+ ***** Manipulation
+ *** All field experiments have
+ **** Where (site, plots etc)
+ **** When (sampling regime)
+ **** What (properties of organism/population/community/system)
+ *** (An empirical experiment is a field experiment with no manipulation)
+ *** Manipulations have one or more Treatments
+ *** Treatment has
+ **** What was treated?
+ **** Strength (amount), can be positive (addition) or negative (exclusion)
+ **** Temporal extent
+ *** When defining a treatment, a scientist might describe a substance (nutrient, presence of an organism) as being manipulated, or describe the manipulation of a process.
+ *** Sampling Regime
+ **** Random
+ **** Stratified
+ **** Stratified random
+ **** Nested
+ **** Regular (uniform)
+ **** Haphazard
+ **** Random haphazard
+ *** Note that the choice of a sampling regime (and of plot layout?) constrains the possible statistical analysis techniques that can be applied.
+ *** Traits of Experiments
+ **** Balanced or unbalanced sampling
+ **** Replication
+ *** Traits of Treatment Regime
+ **** Factorial (all possible combinations of treatments) or not
+ **** Random factors (treatments along a natural gradient)

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