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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Beam Knowledge Rep Sept 04

Difference between version 59 and version 57:

At line 271 added 1 line.
+ ** []
Line 296 was replaced by line 297
- ***** The “nested” transpose is basically a combination of various lower-level algebraic operators, such as (theoretical) group-by, matrix transpose, projection, etc. So, give q as such a plan of operators, can we reason over the operators (white box-actors) q to obtain S*’? Using symbolic manipulation? Using the chase, e.g., for similar problems in integrity constraints?
+ ***** The “nested” transpose is basically a combination of various lower-level algebraic operators, such as (theoretical) group-by, matrix transpose, projection, etc. So, given q as such a plan of operators, can we reason over the plan (white box-actor) q to obtain S*’? Using symbolic manipulation? Using the chase, e.g., for similar problems in integrity constraints?

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