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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Check Request Context Tag

Difference between current version and current version:

At line 0 added 53 lines.
+ Allows you to determine which JSP page originally got the request. It is very useful to know this when you are including specific information on a page.
+ Available contexts are:
+ * "view" - Wiki.jsp
+ * "edit" - Edit.jsp
+ * "diff" - Diff.jsp
+ * "info" - PageInfo.jsp
+ * "preview" - Preview.jsp
+ * "conflict" - PageModified.jsp
+ * "upload" - Upload.jsp
+ * "error" - Error.jsp
+ * "find" - Search.jsp
+ * "prefs" - UserPreferences.jsp
+ !Usage
+ <wiki:CheckRequestContext context="view|edit|diff...">
+ ;:''HTML or JSP''
+ </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+ !Parameters
+ ;__context__: Context to check. If the context matches, includes the body.
+ !Example
+ This example comes from ViewTemplate.jsp:
+ {{{
+ <wiki:CheckRequestContext context="view">
+ <wiki:Include page="PageContent.jsp" />
+ </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+ <wiki:CheckRequestContext context="diff">
+ <wiki:Include page="DiffContent.jsp" />
+ </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+ <wiki:CheckRequestContext context="info">
+ <wiki:Include page="InfoContent.jsp" />
+ </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+ <wiki:CheckRequestContext context="preview">
+ <wiki:Include page="PreviewContent.jsp" />
+ </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+ <wiki:CheckRequestContext context="conflict">
+ <wiki:Include page="ConflictContent.jsp" />
+ </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+ <wiki:CheckRequestContext context="find">
+ <wiki:Include page="FindContent.jsp" />
+ </wiki:CheckRequestContext>
+ }}}

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