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Get Taxa Actor

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+ !! Brief Description
+ The ''GetTaxa'' actor is a custom SEEK::Taxon actor will
+ interact with the Taxonomic Object Service (TOS) via the
+ API defined for the TOS ([See API Signatures | TOSAPISignatures]) for
+ the retrival of name strings destined to be used to query
+ DiGIR providers during the Ecological Niche Model workflow.
+ An example question that this actor should be able to
+ answer is: What are all names used for Mammal species
+ concepts defined within ITIS, 2005?
+ The returned name strings will include names from two
+ different sources:
+ * Those names associated with concepts that have been defined
+ to have a synonymy relationship within the authority.
+ * Those names that have been extracted from the Mammal
+ Networked Information System ([MaNIS |]).
+ During import of the names extracted from MaNIS, a simple
+ N-Gram algorithm is used by the TOS to associate each name
+ with the best concept within each authority known to the
+ TOS.
+ This actor will replace the workflow consisting of three
+ ''WebService'' actors that was discussed during the
+ Oct. 2005 All-Hands meeting in San Diego.
+ !! Requirements
+ * The TOS must be stable and publicly accessible
+ * A user should be able to specify the authoritative list whose
+ data they trust
+ * A user should be able to limit the breadth of the results by
+ selecting the root node within the authority's hierarchy
+ * A user should be able to specify any level within the authority's
+ hierarchy from which concepts will be extracted
+ * A user should have the option of dealing with names that overlap
+ (are associated with) multiple concepts in the result set
+ * The actor should be able to distinguish overlaps in the result set
+ !! Inputs
+ * ''name''
+ ** Type: __string__
+ ** The scientific name used to determine the GUID of the concept
+ acting as the root of the sub-tree of the hierarchy defined by
+ the authority.
+ ** Ex: "Mammalia"
+ * ''auth''
+ ** Type: __string__
+ ** The authoritative list containing the hierarchy and synonymy
+ information used to extract the names.
+ ** Ex: "ITIS, 2005"
+ * ''targetLevel (string)''
+ ** Type: __string__
+ ** The taxonomic rank of the concepts from which names should be
+ extracted.
+ ** Ex: "Species"
+ * ''checkForOverlaps''
+ ** Type: __boolean__
+ ** True if the actor should check for overlaps in the names returned,
+ false otherwise
+ !! Output
+ * A 2-dimensional array with the following properties:
+ ** Each row is an association between a concept and a set of names
+ ** Index 0 of each row is the GUID of the concept to which the names
+ contained in the remaining elements is associated
+ ** Ex:
+ {{{[["", "Pan troglodytes", "chimpanzee"],
+ ["", "Pan paniscus", "bonobo"]]}}}
+ !! Basic Algorithm
+ {{{
+ guids = TOS.getBestConcept(name, auth)
+ if (guids.length > 1) then
+ user interaction to pick best guid
+ string[][] synNames = TOS.getSynsForAuthoritativeList(guid, auth, targetLevel)
+ if (checkForOverlaps) then
+ determine overlapsExist
+ if (overlapsExist) then
+ user interaction}}}
+ !! Development Agenda
+ * __Dec. 09 2005__: Stubbed prototype, no interaction with TOS
+ * __Feb. 2006__: Stable implementation with no user interaction
+ * __TBD__: Stable implementation with user interaction

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