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Infering Which Taxon Call To Make

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+ Dave,
+ I have an observation. One of the reasons we're working on this
+ prototype is to have a better idea of how the SMS and Taxon interfaces
+ should be designed so that the two can play together.
+ I think we have found one place where SMS needs to call Taxon: in
+ converting common names to concept GUIDs. In particular, in the
+ registration mapping, we want to be able to say "use taxon to resolve
+ this name to an authoritative instance".
+ It would look something like this in the semantic registration:
+ {{{
+ register {
+ dataset: {antweb:040412},
+ semview: {...},
+ semvals: {
+ map [genus] using taxonServerCommonNameGenus2GUID,
+ map [species] using taxonServerCommonNameSpecies2GUID
+ }
+ }
+ }}}
+ Where the thing after the "using" is the service to call to do the
+ mapping. For example, the first would take a string representing a
+ common name for a genus and return a GUID for the corresponding concept.
+ Of course, just by virtue of the semview, we can infer this function.
+ In particular, this def in the semview:
+ {{{
+ 'genus' = 'Genus' as $g object {
+ 'rankName' = 'LocalString' object {
+ 'dataValue' = $t/genus
+ },
+ ...
+ }
+ }}}
+ says that the genus object has a rank name represented as a string
+ value. Therefore, since the rankName is not given as a GUID, and
+ instead is given as a string value (we might want to state further in
+ the onto that it isn't just a string, but a common name), that SMS
+ should attempt to resolve the given name to the corresponding
+ authoritative GUID. To do this, SMS would know to call the correct taxon
+ service that handles the mapping, in this case,
+ taxonServerCommonNameGenus2GUID. (I hope there is a better, shorter
+ name for that service :)
+ Shawn

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