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Seek Taxon Notes Nov 3

Difference between version 25 and version 3:

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- Jim Beach, Nico Franz, Jessie Kennedy, Trevor Paterson, Bob Peet, Xianhua Liu, Dave Vieglais, Dave Thau, Robert Gales, Susan Guach, Joana Trajkova, Gwen Davis, Aimee Stewart
+ Jim Beach, Nico Franz, Jessie Kennedy, Trevor Paterson, Bob Peet, Xianhua Liu, Dave Vieglais, Dave Thau, Robert Gales, Susan Guach, Joana Trajkova, Gwen Davis, Ed Wiley, Aimee Stewart
Lines 9-11 were replaced by line 9
- * Need some user interface application that allows authoring, mapping concepts
- (visual tool)
+ * Need some user interface application that allows authoring, mapping concepts (visual tool)
Lines 16-18 were replaced by line 14
- ** gain greater use of their material by greater user community, stimulate
- research
+ ** gain greater use of their material by greater user community, stimulate research
Lines 28-29 were replaced by lines 24-68
- * JK: need a strong illustration
+ * JK: need a strong illustration of usefulness of our concept approach - for that we need a lot more data
+ * Need specifics of promise of improved world for the taxonomists, etc
+ * to serve the ecologists (and other end users) well, we need the data and buy-in from the taxonomists
+ * need a good case study with experts from diff communities
+ * Ed Wiley: Need tool that allows taxonomists to enter their research, then clandestinely allows ecologists to find current nomenclature and synonyms. Trick is to add geographic information to concepts, querying ability.
+ Jim: risk in assumptions of critical problems to be solved - need serious use case analysis
+ * problem may be more that organism doesn't have good name
+ * is the concept even a first line of attack?
+ * JK: SEEK looking at bigger problems - time, geographical range, etc, not daily annoyances
+ Susan: 3-6 months to solve NA mammals problem, then on to more challenging problem that involves changing names, concepts over time, geography
+ * get some synergy between NSF projects
+ * catfish - lots of undescribed species, mostly in SA, good for us - provide tools for new discoveries
+ NA Mammal data taxon priorities
+ * Smithsonian MSW data - must find out how to interpret it
+ * Want to automate specimen data markup with algorithms, then have taxonomist check data
+ * put lots of data into Taxon cache
+ * expand matching algorithms
+ * plug into Ecogrid
+ Criteria
+ * follow changes over time
+ * authoritative sources point to concepts
+ * Ed can provide checklists (American Fishery Society) with changes over time (every 10 years) - we would need to link changes
+ * Bob - plants - checklists
+ [DevelopmentTasksNov2004]
+ __Miscellaneous notes from thau__
+ information in versioning systems have:
+ *public versions
+ *private versions
+ *working versions
+ might be nice to incorporate this notion into the lsid server
+ questions that come up when looking at browser tools
+ * who are the users?
+ * what visual representions do the users want? tree, graph, touch-graph?
+ * what work are we trying to make more efficient and how is that work done?
+ * what is the relationship between the visualization and editing tool?
At line 30 added 1 line.
+ note from jessie on point 2 - we found that taxonomists like trees, even though the underlying data model is a graph I published on this

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