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Seek Taxon Notes Nov 3

Difference between version 25 and version 5:

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- Jim Beach, Nico Franz, Jessie Kennedy, Trevor Paterson, Bob Peet, Xianhua Liu, Dave Vieglais, Dave Thau, Robert Gales, Susan Guach, Joana Trajkova, Gwen Davis, Aimee Stewart
+ Jim Beach, Nico Franz, Jessie Kennedy, Trevor Paterson, Bob Peet, Xianhua Liu, Dave Vieglais, Dave Thau, Robert Gales, Susan Guach, Joana Trajkova, Gwen Davis, Ed Wiley, Aimee Stewart
At line 25 added 43 lines.
+ * to serve the ecologists (and other end users) well, we need the data and buy-in from the taxonomists
+ * need a good case study with experts from diff communities
+ * Ed Wiley: Need tool that allows taxonomists to enter their research, then clandestinely allows ecologists to find current nomenclature and synonyms. Trick is to add geographic information to concepts, querying ability.
+ Jim: risk in assumptions of critical problems to be solved - need serious use case analysis
+ * problem may be more that organism doesn't have good name
+ * is the concept even a first line of attack?
+ * JK: SEEK looking at bigger problems - time, geographical range, etc, not daily annoyances
+ Susan: 3-6 months to solve NA mammals problem, then on to more challenging problem that involves changing names, concepts over time, geography
+ * get some synergy between NSF projects
+ * catfish - lots of undescribed species, mostly in SA, good for us - provide tools for new discoveries
+ NA Mammal data taxon priorities
+ * Smithsonian MSW data - must find out how to interpret it
+ * Want to automate specimen data markup with algorithms, then have taxonomist check data
+ * put lots of data into Taxon cache
+ * expand matching algorithms
+ * plug into Ecogrid
+ Criteria
+ * follow changes over time
+ * authoritative sources point to concepts
+ * Ed can provide checklists (American Fishery Society) with changes over time (every 10 years) - we would need to link changes
+ * Bob - plants - checklists
+ [DevelopmentTasksNov2004]
+ __Miscellaneous notes from thau__
+ information in versioning systems have:
+ *public versions
+ *private versions
+ *working versions
+ might be nice to incorporate this notion into the lsid server
+ questions that come up when looking at browser tools
+ * who are the users?
+ * what visual representions do the users want? tree, graph, touch-graph?
+ * what work are we trying to make more efficient and how is that work done?
+ * what is the relationship between the visualization and editing tool?
At line 26 added 1 line.
+ note from jessie on point 2 - we found that taxonomists like trees, even though the underlying data model is a graph I published on this
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