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Semantics In Kepler

Difference between version 12 and version 11:

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- Second, we would like scientists to be able to discover semantically compatible actors and data while composing a workflow. This would involve two possible GUI mechanisms. First, there could be a toggle that allowed the user to only display semantically compatible actors and data in the left-hand pane. When toggled, the system would impose a constraint in which each potential actor is screened against the current workflow to see if it could be added in any semantically compatible way based on the semantic type of its I/O signature. When the workflow canvas is blank, all actors and data woud show up in the list, but as actors and data are added to the canvas, this imposes constraints that reduces the number fo actors that are displayed. Second, the user should be able to select any combination of one or more actors that is currently on the canvas and right click to "Show compatible actors". This effectively launches a semantic query against the semantic I/O signature of the selected actors and displays compatible actors in the left-hand pane.
+ Second, we would like scientists to be able to discover semantically compatible actors and data while composing a workflow. This would involve two possible GUI mechanisms. First, there could be a toggle that allowed the user to only display semantically compatible actors and data in the left-hand pane. When toggled, the system would impose a constraint in which each potential actor is screened against the current workflow to see if it could be added in any semantically compatible way based on the semantic type of its I/O signature. When the workflow canvas is blank, all actors and data would appear in the list, but as actors and data are added to the canvas, this imposes constraints that reduces the number of actors that are displayed. Second, the user should be able to select any combination of one or more actors that is currently on the canvas and right click to "Show compatible actors". This effectively launches a semantic query against the semantic I/O signature of the selected actors and displays compatible actors in the left-hand pane. In addition, a user may want to further restrict their search by showing both semantically and structurally compatible actors.

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