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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Semantics In Kepler

Difference between version 36 and version 35:

Lines 53-55 were replaced by lines 53-55
- * Permit right-click actions on an actor that display an annotation dilaog. This dialog would both show the ontology and show the actor and its ports and allow the components of the actor to be annotated with the terms from the ontology.
- * Allow the user to enter text-based (e.g., Sparrow) expressions in a text box for providing actor annotations. This is simpler to implement but has significant usability questions, partly because it assumes that the user has detailed knowledge of the terms and relationships between terms inthe ontology.
- * Providing signature annotations may involve a different set of operations in the GUI than providing topical annotations. Thus, separating these tasks may be required.
+ * Permit right-click actions on an actor that display an annotation dialog. This dialog would both show the ontology and show the actor and its ports and allow the components of the actor to be annotated with the terms from the ontology.
+ * Allow the user to enter text-based (e.g., Sparrow) expressions in a text box for providing actor annotations. This is simpler to implement but has usability questions, partly because it assumes that the user has detailed knowledge of the terms and relationships between terms in the ontology. It may be possible to "mix" modes, i.e., have one mode to enter the annotation and another to browser and search for terms.
+ * Provide separate "modes" or operations for topical and signature annotations.

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