Line 12 was replaced by line 12 |
- !!! Sparrow Basics |
+ !!! Sparrow |
Line 14 was replaced by line 14 |
- Sparrow, like description logics, represent ontologies using concepts, roles, and individuals. |
+ Sparrow, like description logics, represent ontologies using concepts, roles, and individuals. We desribe each of these below. |
At line 15 added 2 lines. |
+ !! Concepts |
+ |
Line 22 was replaced by line 24 |
- This sentence simply states that the term 'Vegetarian' is a concept. In the above sentence, the term 'concept' is a reserved word. Concepts definitions can be further elaborated using ''concept axioms.'' Consider the following sentence. |
+ This sentence simply states that the 'Vegetarian' is a concept. Note that the term 'concept' is a reserved word in the sparrow language. A concept can be further elaborated using ''concept axioms,'' which are essentially more complex sentences of a restricted form. Consider the following example. |
Line 25 was replaced by line 27 |
- concept Animal kind_of Organism |
+ concept Animal kind-of Organism |
Line 28 was replaced by lines 30-32 |
- This sentence states that the concept 'Animal' is a sub-concept of the concept 'Organism'. In other words, every animal is an organism. The term 'kind_of' is a reserved word (sometimes referred to as "isa"). Both 'Animal' and 'Organism' are asserted as being concepts by this sentence. The sentence is equivalent to the following three sparrow sentences. |
+ This sentence states that 'Animal' is a subconcept of 'Organism'. In other words, every animal is an organism. The term 'kind-of' is a reserved word (sometimes referred to as "is-a"). The sentence is considered an axiom because it is asserting a rule, or relationship, that is assumed to hold between 'Animal' and 'Organism'. Namely, that being an animal implies being an organism. |
+ |
+ Both 'Animal' and 'Organism' are asserted as being concepts by this sentence. The sentence is equivalent to the following three sparrow sentences. |
Line 33 was replaced by line 37 |
- concept Animal kind_of Organism. |
+ concept Animal kind-of Organism |
Lines 39-40 were replaced by lines 43-44 |
- concept Animal kind_of Organism |
- concept Animal kind_of not Plant |
+ concept Animal kind-of Organism |
+ concept Animal kind-of not Plant |
Line 46 was replaced by line 50 |
- concept Animal kind_of Organism and not Plant |
+ concept Animal kind-of Organism and not Plant |
Line 49 was replaced by lines 53-57 |
- Here, the terms 'and' and 'not' are sparrow reserved words. The sentence states that an animal is an organism but not a plant. |
+ Here the terms 'and' and 'not' are sparrow reserved words. The sentence states that an animal is an organism but not a plant. For convenience, 'and' can be replaced by the term 'but', for example: |
+ |
+ {{{ |
+ concept Animal kind-of Organism but not Plant |
+ }}} |
Line 54 was replaced by lines 62-79 |
- CONCEPT animal KIND_OF organism AND NOT plant |
+ CONCEPT animal KIND-OF organism BUT NOT plant |
+ }}} |
+ |
+ Another type of concept axiom that can be expressed in sparrow is equivalence among concepts. For example, consider the following sentence. |
+ |
+ {{{ |
+ concept Human same-as Person |
+ }}} |
+ |
+ This sentence asserts that 'Human' and 'Person' denote the same concept. |
+ |
+ |
+ !! Roles |
+ |
+ A more complex example ... |
+ |
+ {{{ |
+ concept Macromolecule same-as Molecule that contains at-least 100 Atom |
Line 57 was replaced by line 82 |
- !!! Complex Concept Definitions |
+ |
At line 58 added 1 line. |
+ !! Individuals |
At line 60 added 1 line. |
+ |
Line 67 was replaced by line 94 |
- import yourOnt '' |
+ import yourOnt '' |
At line 72 added 4 lines. |
+ !!! Sparrow Reserved Wordsf |
+ |
+ ||reserved word||variant |
+ | and | but, that |