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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Sparrow Language

Difference between version 32 and version 28:

Line 12 was replaced by line 12
- !!! Sparrow
+ !!! Sparrow
Line 14 was replaced by line 14
- Sparrow, like description logics, represent ontologies using concepts, roles, and individuals. In sparrow, concepts are defined using ''sentences.'' For instance, we can introduce a new concept called 'Vegetarian' using the following sentence.
+ Sparrow, like description logics, represent ontologies using concepts, roles, and individuals. We desribe each of these below.
At line 15 added 4 lines.
+ !! Concepts
+ In sparrow, concepts are defined using ''sentences.'' For instance, we can introduce a new concept called 'Vegetarian' using the following sentence.
Line 49 was replaced by lines 53-57
- Here the terms 'and' and 'not' are sparrow reserved words. The sentence states that an animal is an organism but not a plant.
+ Here the terms 'and' and 'not' are sparrow reserved words. The sentence states that an animal is an organism but not a plant. For convenience, 'and' can be replaced by the term 'but', for example:
+ {{{
+ concept Animal kind-of Organism but not Plant
+ }}}
Line 54 was replaced by lines 62-68
- CONCEPT animal KIND-OF organism AND NOT plant
+ CONCEPT animal KIND-OF organism BUT NOT plant
+ }}}
+ Another type of concept axiom that can be expressed in sparrow is equivalence among concepts. For example, consider the following sentence.
+ {{{
+ concept Human same-as Person
At line 56 added 1 line.
+ This sentence asserts that 'Human' and 'Person' denote the same concept.
Removed line 58
- !! Concept Equivalence
Line 60 was replaced by lines 74-76
- Another type of concept axiom that can be expressed in sparrow is equivalence among concepts. For example, consider the following sentence.
+ !! Roles
+ A more complex example ...
Line 63 was replaced by line 79
- concept Macromolecule same-as Molecule and consistsOf at-least 100 Atom
+ concept Macromolecule same-as Molecule that contains at-least 100 Atom
At line 67 added 1 line.
+ !! Individuals
At line 68 added 2 lines.
At line 80 added 4 lines.
+ !!! Sparrow Reserved Wordsf
+ ||reserved word||variant
+ | and | but, that

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