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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Sparrow Language

Difference between version 6 and version 5:

Line 14 was replaced by line 14
- Concepts and roles in sparrow are defined using sentences. We assume two special concepts {{sparrow:top}} and {{sparrow:bottom}}, which correspond to most general (the set of all individuals) and the least general (the empty set) concepts found in description-logic languages. The term {{sparrow:top}} consists of the {{sparrow}} namespace and the atomic term (concept) {{top}}.
+ Concepts and roles in sparrow are defined using sentences. New concepts can be "created" using the following sentence.
Line 16 was replaced by lines 16-26
- The following expression introduces a new concept called 'myConcept'.
+ {{{
+ concept vegetarian.
+ }}}
+ This sentence simply states that the term 'vegetarian' is a concept. Instead, we can give more details by defining concepts.
+ {{{
+ concept animal is_a organism.
+ }}}
+ This sentence states that the term 'animal' is a sub-concept of the concept 'organism'. In this example, both 'animal' and 'organism' are asserted as being concepts. In other words, the above expression is equivalent to the following three expressions in sparrow.
Line 19 was replaced by lines 29-31
- myConcept is_a sparrow:top.
+ concept organism.
+ concept animal.
+ concept animal is_a organism.

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