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Taxon WG Conference Call_4_March_2004

Difference between version 3 and version 2:

Line 4 was replaced by line 4
- * Present: Kennedy, Peet, Stewart, Gales, Jones, Franz, Liu
+ * Present: Kennedy, Peet, Stewart, Gales, Jones, Franz, Liu
Line 26 was replaced by line 26
- * Nico - working on Use Cases, posted a document "ClassifyConcepts" on the SEEK Taxon Wiki that lists "concepts" according to (1) how much information content they carry, and (2) how much intellectual credit is associated with transferring them from one location to another.
+ * Nico - working on Use Cases, posted a document "[ClassifyConcepts]" on the SEEK Taxon Wiki that lists "concepts" according to (1) how much information content they carry, and (2) how much intellectual credit is associated with transferring them from one location to another.

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