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Tricky Aspects Of Taxonomic Data

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+ !!! Interesting things we encountered in the ant data sets
+ !! sp. and its kin
+ sp., sp-01, undet., etc. all mean "some species in this genus"
+ So, Formica sp. means, some Formica. Often, a data set will have
+ sp-01, sp-02, sp-03. These are separate collections of examples of the genus,
+ but it doesn't necessarily imply that sp-01 and sp-02 are different species. It's unclear.
+ Sometimes the species epithet is left out entirely, which is another version of sp.
+ !! spp.
+ This means 'all species in this genus.' It appears in the data describing
+ the symbiotic relations in ants. For example, we have this:
+ Oxyepoecus inquilina isInquilinismParasiteOf Solenopsis spp.
+ Which means that Oxyepoecus inquilina can be a parasite on any type of Solenopsis. Many interesting inference issues arise from this type of proposition.

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