This is version 22.
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Jones, Spears, Tao, Servilla, Rajasekar, Zhu
This is a continuation of the previous agenda.
- Certificates and authentication
- EcoGrid query semantics
- handling EML version changes (2.0.0 vs. 2.0.1)
- translating EML and Darwin Core metadata queries
- Update on data query/subset functionality (Tao and Spears)
- Update on put interface implementation (Zhu)
- Review the 'put' interface via its WSDL
- Review the 'Authentication' interface via its WSDL
- Skipping certificates agenda item because brunt and murillo absent -- will reschedule
- Ecogrid query semantics
- need ontology mapping between standards
- can Sparrow provide the necessary reasoning services?
- probably need to translate metadata instances as well as classes, so may need to populate the reasoner with al of the instance data (e.g., load EML into the reasoner)
- can existing query rewriting systems work? maybe...but probably would need to be customized or extended
- need to discuss with Bertram and Shawn, especially with regards to Sparrow -- this is probably part of SMS layer, but how to deal with instance data (e.g., EML values)
- probably start with just crosswalks, then add instance data later
- implement this as an 'ontology server'
- e.g., takes an EML query in, gives a Darwin Core query back
- Shawn: says we should map to an integrated schema to avoin n^n mappings
- e.g., in ant example paper they map to the ontology
- Update on data query/subset functionality (Tao and Spears)
- Rod gave an overview of the use of EML Data Source and cached queries
- Matt: can we use the existing Kepler-side infrastructure to implement EcoGrid-side data query by loading the EML-described sources into a relational db
- Jing: still need the DarwinCore Data source
- Update on put interface implementation (Zhu)
- Bing gave overview of put implementation
- Noted that Metacat identifies metadata and data separately while SRB uses same id for both
- Client works, can use to upload
- Still need to know which system you are using so you use the API correctly
- Bing says this can be fixed on the client side
- Reviewed auth interface -- login, logout, genereates sessionid
- Eventually need to move to SSL for all services so that the communication is secure
- Or use the GSI security layer
- how does this have to change to accomodate certificates?
- once we have certificates, the ldap user DNs can be shared across systems (e.g., SRB, Metacat)
- Need to modify get and query interfaces to accept sessionId to allow for access to private records
- need to allow anonymous query for some systems, should anonomous query and get use a different method or pass in a special userid (e.g., "public")
- Matt will contact Bertram and Shawn about query translation needs, involve other EcoGrid folks
- reread Shawn's 'ant' paper for ideas
- Rod will describe (in a bug) and implement a DarwinCore data source
- Jing will describe and implement a new multi-node EcoGrid search for Kepler (with resultset integration)
- Jing: test and install put and auth interfaces for metacat on ecoinfo2
- Modify get and query interfaces to accept sessionId to allow for access to private records
- Jing will enter a bug describing this
- Bing will continue registry design and implementation
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