This is version 19.
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Jones, Tao, Rajasekar, Zhu, Brunt, Servilla, Tekell, Spears
- EcoGrid registry
- WSDL Interfaces
- Web UI needed/ adequate?
- Registry metadata
- automatic registration/deregistration for services
- EML Metadata for SRB-stored objects
- Environemntal data for BEAM
- Identifiers: use ours, or LSID, and implement!
- Certificates and authentication
- EcoGrid query semantics
- handling EML version changes (2.0.0 vs. 2.0.1)
- translating EML and Darwin Core metadata queries
- Update on EcoGrid Web UI design (Tekell) EcoGridWebDesignNotes
- Update on data query/subset functionality (Tao)
- Update on put interface implementation (Zhu)
- EcoGrid registry
- need registry metadata
- Raja suggests need name-value pairs
- previously discussed need for structured metadata, including coverage, but hard to keep updated
- Raja argues the more structured registry metadata is not needed, at least from the UI perspective
- Do we need to reimplement using globus? Probably not? Globus registry still not presistent. Our metacat implementation is persistent.
- Are there specific metadata fields we need to help users choose nodes to search
- Action items
- Extend registry metadata to accept xml metadata documents (Bing, Rod)
- Establish short list of standard attributes, extend UI to accomodate them (Bing, Rod, Matt)
- Start at Dublin core and extend it
- Fill out metadata for specific nodes (Bing, Rod)
- Make registries broadcast new registration change events (Bing, but lowest priority)
- EML Metadata for SRB-stored data sets
- Option 1: store EML in metacat and point at SRB object
- How to coordinate authentication and access control
- Use GSI certificates
- Synchronize SRB/Metacat user lists and access control changes