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This is version 101.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. KR/SMS Annotation & Domain-Extension Ontology Meeting
Meeting Date and Location
The meeting will begin promptly at 8:00 am in the 2nd floor conference room at NCEAS in the Balboa Building, 735 State Street.
Meeting GoalsAnnotate a select corpus of data sets based on OBOEDefine domain extensions (ontologies for entities, characteristics, units) needed for annotating the corpus
Annotation Tool A simple tool has been built to record the annotation of data sets during the meeting. The tool can be found here
Data/Metadata | Publisher | Comment |
PLT-GCEM-0511a![]() | GCE | Plant Ecology: Biomass from Shoot Height and Flowering Status |
PLT-GCEM-0511b![]() | GCE | Plant Ecology: Biomass from Shoot Height and Flowering Status (w/ Biomass) |
PLT-GCED-0409![]() | GCE | Plant Ecology: Community Response to Fertilization |
PLT-GCET-0608![]() | GCE | Plant Ecology: Plant Richness Survey |
INS-GCEM-0511![]() | GCE | Terrestrial Insect Ecology: Grasshopper Abundance and Species Diversity |
INV-GCEM-0511![]() | GCE | Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology: Crab Abundance based on Crab Hole Counts |
INV-GCEM-0501a1![]() | GCE | Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology: Infaunal and Epifaunal Mollusc Abundance |
INV-GCEM-0501a2![]() | GCE | Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology: Infaunal and Epifaunal Mollusc Size Distributions |
FNG-GCEM-0401![]() | GCE | Fungal Productivity: Ergosterol Content and Ascospore Release Rates |
BCT-GCEM-0511a2![]() | GCE | Bacterial Productivity: Surface Water Bacterial Productivity |
PHP-GCEM-0511a![]() | GCE | Phytoplankton Productivity: Surface Water Phytoplankton Productivity |
ALG-GCED-0304a![]() | GCE | Algal Productivity: Benthic Chlorophyll Concentrations and Gross Oxygenic Photosynthesis Rates |
ALG-GCED-0304c![]() | GCE | Algal Productivity: Benthic Chlorophyll, Density, Porosity, Organic Content Concentrations, and Gross Oxygenic Photosynthesis Rates |
MET-GCEM-0508a![]() | GCE | Meteorology: Annual Summaries of Daily Air Temperature and Precipitation |
HYD-GCES-0508a![]() | GCE | Hydrography: Annual Summaries of Daily Averaged River Discharge |
HYD-GCES-0508b![]() | GCE | Hydrography: Monthly Mean Water Levels |
PHY-GCEM-0612a![]() | GCE | Continuous Salinity, Temperature and Depth |
PHY-GCEM-0406a1![]() | GCE | Physical Oceanography: Bin-Averaged CTD Profiles |
PHY-GCEM-0406a2![]() | GCE | Physical Oceanography: CTD, PAR, Oxygen, and Chlorophyll Profiles |
GEL-GCEM-0508a![]() | GCE | Geology: Soil Characteristics |
GEL-GCEM-0508b![]() | GCE | Geology: Soil Surface Elevation |
GEL-GCEM-0508c![]() | GCE | Geology: Soil Accretion |
ORG-GCEM-0511a![]() | GCE | Organic Matter/Decomposition: Surface Water Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations |
ORG-GCEM-0508a![]() | GCE | Organic Matter/Decomposition: Soil temperature and respiration |
ORG-GCEM-0508b![]() | GCE | Organic Matter/Decomposition: Rates of Decompisition and Root In-Growth |
ORG-GCEM-0101![]() | GCE | Organic Matter/Decomposition: Ash-Free Dry Weight Analysis for Soil Samples |
CHM-GCED-0303a![]() | GCE | Chemistry: Surface Water Samples for Total Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Total Alkalinity, and pH |
POR-GCED-0210![]() | GCE | Pore-water Chemistry: Porewater Nutrients, Dissolved Organics, Redox Species, and Gasses in Estuarine Intertidal Sediments |
NUT-GCEM-0210![]() | GCE | General Nutrient Chemistry: Water Quality Monitoring |
NUT-GCEM-0206![]() | GCE | General Nutrient Chemistry: Water Column Particulate Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations |
2002lgcover![]() | ARC | Relative percent cover was measured in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra |
2002gsttbm![]() | ARC | Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass in acidic tussock tundra |
2001lgshttcn![]() | ARC | Percent carbon and percent nitrogen of above ground plant and belowground stem biomass samples in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra |
2001gswsbm_n![]() | ARC | Biomass, nitrogen and carbon of plants in wet sedge tundra |
2000gsla![]() | ARC | Leaf area for select species was measured in arctic tundra |
1999SHretrans![]() | ARC | Foliar and litter nutrients and retranslocation efficiencies for dominant species on moist acidic and non-acidic tundra |
dataset269![]() | CAP | Historic Landuse |
dataset276![]() | CAP | Human |
dataset43![]() | CAP | Transect Bird Survey with Data Synthesis] |
dataset39![]() | CAP | Lichen Resurvey with Heavy Metal Analysis |
pisco_subtidal.12.4![]() | PISCO | Subtidal: Community Surveys: Fish Survey |
pisco_recruitment.27.1![]() | PISCO | Intertidal: Recruitment Monitoring: Recruitment collectors and Rock Clearings |
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This particular version was published on 28-Mar-2007 16:03:22 PDT by uid=madin,o=NCEAS. |
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award 0225676. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Copyright 2004 Partnership for Biodiversity Informatics, University of New Mexico, The Regents of the University of California, and University of Kansas |