Data/Metadata | Status | Publisher | Comment |
PLT-GCEM-0511a | Y | GCE | Plant Ecology: Biomass from Shoot Height and Flowering Status |
PLT-GCEM-0511b | Y | GCE | Plant Ecology: Biomass from Shoot Height and Flowering Status (w/ Biomass) |
PLT-GCED-0409 | Y | GCE | Plant Ecology: Community Response to Fertilization |
PLT-GCET-0608 | Y | GCE | Plant Ecology: Plant Richness Survey |
INS-GCEM-0511 | Y | GCE | Terrestrial Insect Ecology: Grasshopper Abundance and Species Diversity |
INV-GCEM-0511 | Y | GCE | Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology: Crab Abundance based on Crab Hole Counts |
INV-GCEM-0501a1 | Y | GCE | Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology: Infaunal and Epifaunal Mollusc Abundance |
INV-GCEM-0501a2 | Y | GCE | Aquatic Invertebrate Ecology: Infaunal and Epifaunal Mollusc Size Distributions |
FNG-GCEM-0401 | H | GCE | Fungal Productivity: Ergosterol Content and Ascospore Release Rates |
BCT-GCEM-0511a2 | H | GCE | Bacterial Productivity: Surface Water Bacterial Productivity |
PHP-GCEM-0511a | H | GCE | Phytoplankton Productivity: Surface Water Phytoplankton Productivity |
ALG-GCED-0304a | Y | GCE | Algal Productivity: Benthic Chlorophyll Concentrations and Gross Oxygenic Photosynthesis Rates |
ALG-GCED-0304c | H | GCE | Algal Productivity: Benthic Chlorophyll, Density, Porosity, Organic Content Concentrations, and Gross Oxygenic Photosynthesis Rates |
MET-GCEM-0508a | Y | GCE | Meteorology: Annual Summaries of Daily Air Temperature and Precipitation |
HYD-GCES-0508a | Y | GCE | Hydrography: Annual Summaries of Daily Averaged River Discharge |
HYD-GCES-0508b | Y | GCE | Hydrography: Monthly Mean Water Levels |
PHY-GCEM-0612a | Y | GCE | Continuous Salinity, Temperature and Depth |
PHY-GCEM-0406a1 | H | GCE | Physical Oceanography: Bin-Averaged CTD Profiles |
PHY-GCEM-0406a2 | H | GCE | Physical Oceanography: CTD, PAR, Oxygen, and Chlorophyll Profiles |
GEL-GCEM-0508a | H | GCE | Geology: Soil Characteristics |
GEL-GCEM-0508b | H | GCE | Geology: Soil Surface Elevation |
GEL-GCEM-0508c | Y | GCE | Geology: Soil Accretion |
ORG-GCEM-0511a | H | GCE | Organic Matter/Decomposition: Surface Water Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations |
ORG-GCEM-0508a | Y | GCE | Organic Matter/Decomposition: Soil temperature and respiration |
ORG-GCEM-0508b | H | GCE | Organic Matter/Decomposition: Rates of Decompisition and Root In-Growth |
ORG-GCEM-0101 | Y | GCE | Organic Matter/Decomposition: Ash-Free Dry Weight Analysis for Soil Samples |
CHM-GCED-0303a | Y | GCE | Chemistry: Surface Water Samples for Total Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Total Alkalinity, and pH |
POR-GCED-0210 | H | GCE | Pore-water Chemistry: Porewater Nutrients, Dissolved Organics, Redox Species, and Gasses in Estuarine Intertidal Sediments |
NUT-GCEM-0210 | Y | GCE | General Nutrient Chemistry: Water Quality Monitoring |
NUT-GCEM-0206 | H | GCE | General Nutrient Chemistry: Water Column Particulate Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations |
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pisco_subtidal.12.4 | PISCO | Subtidal: Community Surveys: Fish Survey |
pisco_recruitment.27.1 | PISCO | Intertidal: Recruitment Monitoring: Recruitment collectors and Rock Clearings |
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