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This is version 1.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. Present: Jim Beach, Bob Peet, Nico Franz, Xianhua Liu, Joana Trajkova, Aimee Stewart, Ricardo Pereiera, Robert Gales, Dave Vieglais, Susan Gauch, Dave Thau (by phone) 19 March 2004 Bob: Would like overall vision for next 2 or 3 years. He had just come from Arlington where he is collaborating with NatureServe to build a concept database for North American flora based on the 2004 release of the John Kartesz checklist. Kartesz expects to have roughly 14K concepts for VegBank by June 1 (of the roughly 35K total taxa of all ranks). The concepts will be used by and the VegBank, ITIS, NatureServe's Biotics dbs. NatureServe is doing QAQC now on the first 7K. Going to use some SEEK money to fill in the holes (exotics, spell check, some ambiguities, etc); enough to get more NSF money to finish. The project will also identify the 100 most problematic cases. Will enter these in SEEK to have more complete concepts for plants. Vegbank is also developing a peer review system for authoritative concepts and which should be applicable to taxa Nico - SEEK taxon use cases update - to be cleaned up with Bop Peet by end of March, for the moment see Taxon Use Cases Update March04 Xianhua - familiarizing himself with data models and working on the concept peer review system. Jessie has German mosses data, downloadable from cvs. Concepts - Nico goes through Use Cases, ClassifyConcepts - what is the difference between concepts, assertions, names, etc. Aimee: do we need to have a definition written in stone? What do we want a scientist to see when querying on "hickory"? A taxonomist to get when entering a new taxa? Ricardo: similarity compare algorithm based on fields in TES. Relate algorithm uses trees, Use Cases, Associated Credit for person digitizing or person who discovered species - enters into SEEK but does not publish.
Jim: what are some Use Cases that address the Data Providers' expectations, we could end up Walmart of data - not discriminating, When an ecologist marks up a dataset - does that information go into the Taxon Cache? Maybe into taxon Context database possible 5-year target of Taxon project - have minimally Nico's Name-Relation Concept, SEEK will never be source of data. Not headed towards searching on character descriptions. Dave Thau: installed LSID server and handle system. Handle system was slow, but now as fast as db, remaining:
2 tables
programmatic access: all in java, can plug into whatever db, register guid info in db; DOI system runs on handle system; registered with CRNI (1883 for Thau), handle system will have validity outside of SEEK system, general url (handle.net?) that can resolve concept, handle system does not have metadata support - we would have to implement that ourselves. LSID has metadata built into system
Susan: Need to spend some uninterupted time on implementing last python version. Have spent some time on architecture diagram, creating software architecture for that architecture and taxonomic exchange schema, will send guts of algorithms out for ?? ask Nico: synonymy: most searches will be limited to name: congruent with, included in, includes bob: what are the implications of changing TES? Should be relatively easy - code is modular and changes should be limited to algorithms. Nico: wrote to George Gerrity, paper on patent of db record structure?, Marc Geoffroy in berlin, 20 March 2004 Present: Jim Beach, Bob Peet, Nico Franz, Xianhua Liu, Joana Trajkova, Aimee Stewart, Robert Gales, Dave Vieglais, Susan Gauch, Jessie Kennedy by phone Next version of Jessie's taxon transfer schema should be ready for developers to code against in May. In October we should have a final transfer (TDWG) solid schema. Differences between SEEK schema and standards schema for TDWG: SEEK schema should be very close to TDWG (which takes other providers' schemas into account). Should be able to see relationships between transfer schema and anyone else's schema. TDWG and SEEK should be very close Between now and May, Bob will download latest xml from Kukla, try to use that to represent his data, talk with Jessie about schema. Jessie will make sure that she understands schemas and structures from others based on their data, by transfering following data into our XML schema: Berlin, Vegbank, ITIS, Rich Pyle's - should help convince others that transfer schema is workable. Bob will send developers data when sending to Jessie, download schema, iterate on schema design with Jessie til May, populate small but detailed example into Access, Nico and Bob will work on Use Cases, Robert K. - will send raw xml data. Susan: maybe Edinburgh can develop tools to populate db since they are halfway there? Robert Kukla - the code is not ready for prime-time, just proof of concept Matt: Could use extension feature of EML so don't have to worry about changing EML immediately. Existing tools for marking up datasets into EML will work, esp if not worried about user efficiency right away. Would be good to focus on BEAM test case - mammal, climate change, GARP, data from MANIS (Town Peterson and others), also activities of SMS and KR group - ontologies, OntoBrowser, semantic registration = concept markup, Taxon group doesn't want to create user interface for Taxon markup Nico, Use Cases:
Concept - guid, name, reference Relationship - guid, relationshiptype, guid Taxonomic exchange schema - could we have a flat-file of list of concepts, then list of relationships - not hierarchical?
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award 0225676. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Copyright 2004 Partnership for Biodiversity Informatics, University of New Mexico, The Regents of the University of California, and University of Kansas |