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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




All Hands Meeting SMS Notes Nov 04

Difference between version 21 and version 20:

At line 138 added 16 lines.
+ *** Laura Downey
+ **** usability
+ ***** "the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effictiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of users"
+ ***** "an approach that incorporates direct user feedback througout the development cycle to reduce costs and create products and tools that meet user needs."
+ **** benefits o fusability: increased productivity, sales and revenues, customer satisfaction; decrease traning and support costs, etc.
+ **** real world example: after completed the redesign of two problem features, users ability to find a home increases from 62 to 98 percent, sales lead generation to real estate agents increased 150%.
+ **** user interface + functionality = usability
+ ***** elegant or sophisticated internal algorithms don't make any diff inf the interface is bad ...
+ **** software versus usability engineering: ui code 30 percent, now almost 50-60; maintainence, etc.
+ ***** typical software program is released with 40 usability design problems; over 70% of CIO's state on of biggest problems is communicating with users
+ **** incorporate usability in seek
+ ***** collect demographic data
+ ***** task analysis (interviews and observations)
+ ***** apply good human factors and design principles
+ ***** iterative design
+ ***** gather user feedback and input: ind. interviews; group discussions; usability evals and testing; categorization exercises; self-reporting; satisfaction surveys
At line 139 added 1 line.

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