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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




EOT Notes And Action Items Dec 2006 AHM

Difference between version 2 and version 1:

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- __Early Career Faculty Training___
- *review [agenda|]
- *discussion on linking the training together with the same dataset used throughout the training
- **__Deana will send out npp dataset__
+ __Early Career Faculty Training Notes___
+ attendance (Katz): Shawn Bowers, Dan Higgins, Samantha Katz, Bill Michener, Deana Pennington, Mark Schildhauer
+ Goals for this training to have users return from training and be able to:
+ **Create a scientific workflow before they start in kepler. This is something that can help organize their thought process of conducting research. This workflow could and we should then be created in kepler
+ **Use their own dataset in a pre-existing kepler workflow
+ **Create their own simple kepler workflow using r.
+ **Enter their own data using either morpho and the knb data registry and get that data into a kepler workflow -- a simple exercise that exploits
+ **Show how kepler utilizes the EcoGrid and how that functions into the importance of well structured data sets and databases -- which included QA/QC
+ **KR--SMS should show the functionalities that allow kepler to work -- showing the semantic, semantic annotation and ontologies and how that works for them.
At line 8 added 8 lines.
+ review [agenda|SEEKtraining2007syllabusonly.doc]discussion on linking the training together with the same dataset used throughout the training
+ **update presentation with the common dataset
+ **__Deana will send out npp dataset__
+ **link Dan Higgins presentation on r with Kristin's presentation on QA/QC -- Dan will try to illustrate some of the approaches Kristin covers in her presentation -- share screenshots
+ **Grid activity -- provide example that illustrates the distributed execution notion and link back to Kepler and how that is executed
+ **Visualization in Kepler (demo + exercise) -- will cover a summary of the r, image j -- raster type and photoshop -- pdfs : tables; images; time series example show them the examples in kepler imaging
+ **Taxonomic resolution in Kepler –Stewart -- will cover GBIF; Biota; query into DIGIR and IT IS, Vegbank demo __ Sam will work with Aimee on presentation
+ *

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