Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge
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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Eco Grid

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- is a next generation internet architecture for data storage, sharing, access and analysis. It is a collection of distributed ecological, biodiversity and environmental data and analytic resources (data, metadata, analytic workflows and processors) possibly at different sites and in different organizations connected by a network and accessed via the internet.
+ is a next generation internet architecture for data storage, sharing, access and analysis which combines the features of a Data Grid for storage of ecological data and a Compute Grid for analysis and modeling services. It is a collection of distributed ecological, biodiversity and environmental data and analytic resources (data, metadata, analytic workflows and processors) possibly at different sites and in different organizations connected by a network and accessed via the internet.
+ The EcoGrid will form the underlying framework for data and service discovery, data sharing and access, and analytical service sharing and invocation. Specifically, it will provide:
+ **seamless access and manipulation of ecology data and metadata stored at distributed nodes (including scalability, multiplicity of platforms (desktop to super computers) and storage devices);
+ **authentication through a single sign-on authentication and multi-level access control;
+ **execution of analytical pipelines via web services (WSFL, and WSDL, XPipe);
+ **node registry for data and compute nodes based on UDDI;
+ **rapid incorporation of new data sources as well as decades of legacy ecological data; and
+ **replication of data to provide fault tolerance, disaster recovery and load balancing
+ By extending the expressiveness of service description languages (e.g., WSDL [1], WSFL [2]) for enhancing data and analytical service Grid capabilities the ecogrid will result in an integration of data-, compute-, and service-grids for ecology.

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