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KRSMS Semantic Annotation Language

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- A semantic type should be uniquely identified. The unique identifier of a semantic type can be stated using the {{id}} attribute of the {{SemanticType}} element. An identifier is (preferably) expressed as a Life-Science Identifer (LSID) in which the semantic type is managed as an LSID data object. Alternatively, if a semantic type is embedded within a document, the semantic-type id can be expressed as a unique fragment identifier (for example, when used within EML). As shown above, a semantic type consists of a set of labels and annotations. The rest of this page describes these two components, first describing labels and then annotations.
+ Semantic types should be uniquely identified. The unique identifier of a semantic type can be stated using the {{id}} attribute of the {{SemanticType}} element. An identifier is (preferably) expressed as a Life-Science Identifer (LSID) in which the semantic type is managed as an LSID data object. Alternatively, if a semantic type is embedded within a document, the semantic-type id can be expressed as a unique fragment identifier (for example, when used within EML). As shown above, a semantic type consists of a set of labels and annotations. The rest of this page describes these two components, first describing labels and then annotations.
At line 48 added 1 line.

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