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KRSMS Semantic Annotation Language

Difference between version 12 and version 11:

Line 61 was replaced by line 61
- The {{SemanticTypes}} element contains a list of anonymous OWL-DL class expressions:
+ The {{SemanticTypes}} element contains one or more class references or anonymous class expressions:
At line 63 added 4 lines.
+ <owl:Class rdf:resource="..."/>
+ }}}
+ {{{
Line 65 was replaced by lines 69-71
- ...
+ ...
Line 69 was replaced by lines 75-76
- that are defined in terms of concepts and roles in existing ontologies. Each class definition defines a semantic type for the resource(s). That is, the resources are said to "contribute" the semantic types.
+ Each of these expressions are defined solely in terms of concepts and roles from existing ontologies. Every class definition defines a ''semantic type'' for the resource(s). That is, the resources are said to "contribute" the semantic types. Every annotation is required to contain a {{SemanticTypes}} tag that contains at least one semantic type.
At line 72 added 12 lines.
+ Encodings define the "glue" or "links" between the resource(s) and the semantic type(s) and are optional. An encoding takes the form:
+ {{
+ <sms:Link> ... </sms:Link>
+ }}
+ The content of the {{Link}} element uses a specific textual language that we define briefly here.
+ !! Examples

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