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KRSMS Semantic Annotation Language

Difference between version 122 and version 121:

At line 135 added 2 lines.
+ The full annotation-language syntax provides access to various parts of a complex structure and the ability to assign those parts to ontology expressions. To support a wide variety of complex structures -- the primary ones including relational, XML, and Ptolemy types -- we consider a generic data model consisting of nested-relational-style constructs. In addition, we permit multi-valued attributes (that is, an attribute can have an associated, possibly ordered, collection of values).
Line 141 was replaced by line 143
- x[A=y]
+ x[A1=y]
Line 145 was replaced by lines 147-149
- Here, symbols {{x}} and {{y}} denote either constants or variables. Variables are prefixed with a $ sign. Constants that contain spaces must be delimited using single quotes. If {{x}} is a variable, the first expression is identical to the abbreviated expression {{T}} except that each selected object of {{T}} is assigned to the variable. Similarly, if {{x}} and {{y}} are both variables, the second expression is identical to the abbreviated expression {{T.A}} except that {{x}} and {{y}} are assigned to the {{T}} and {{A}} objects, respectively. If {{x}} is a constant, the expression {{x:T}} is true if {{x}} is an object of {{T}}. If {{x}} is a constant and {{y}} is a variable, the expression {{x[[A=y]}} is true if {{x}} is an object having {{y}} as (one of) its {{A}} attribute object(s).
+ Here, symbols {{x}} and {{y}} denote either constants or variables. Variables are prefixed with a $ sign. Constants that contain spaces must be delimited using single quotes.
+ If {{x}} is a variable, the first expression above is identical to the abbreviated expression {{T}} except that each selected object of {{T}} is assigned to the variable. Similarly, if {{x}} and {{y}} are both variables, the second atom is identical to the abbreviated expression {{T.A1}} except that {{x}} and {{y}} are assigned to the {{T}} and {{A1}} objects, respectively. If {{x}} is a constant, the atom {{x:T}} is true if {{x}} is an object of {{T}}. If {{x}} and {{y}} are constants, the atom {{x[[A=y]}} is true if {{x}} is an object having {{y}} as one of its {{A}} attribute values. If {{x}} is a constant and {{y}} is a variable, the second atom assigns {{y}} to each of the {{A1}} attributes of {{x}}. And if {{x}} is a variable and {{y}} is a constant, the atom {{x[[A1=y]}} is true if {{x}} has already been assigned an object and it has {{y}} as one of its {{A1}} values.

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