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KRSMS Semantic Annotation Language

Difference between version 147 and version 146:

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- As shown above, a semantic type consists of a set of labels, a set of annotations, and an optional ontology definition section. The rest of this page describes these components.
+ As shown above, a semantic type consists of a set of labels, a set of annotations, and an optional ontology definition section. The rest of this document describes these components.
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- Some resources, such as data sets and actors with input/output ports, can have complex data structures. For example, a data set typically is structured according to a schema, which specifies among other things a relation name (that is, the name of the table) and names for each attribute of the relation and their data types. Actor ports can also have complex structure, including arbitrarily nested relations. The annotation language facilitates the selection of the various (sub-) objects of structured resources. The entire resource itself can also be selected using the annotation language.
+ Some resources, such as data sets and actors with input/output ports, can have complex data structures. For example, a data set typically is structured according to a schema, which specifies among other things a relation name (that is, the name of the table) and names for each attribute of the relation and their data types. Actor ports can also have complex structure, including arbitrarily nested relations. The annotation language facilitates the selection of the various (sub-) objects of structured resources.
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- Here, symbols {{x}} and {{y}} denote either constants, variables, or skolem terms. Variables are prefixed with a '$' sign. Constants that contain spaces must be delimited using single quotes. A skolem term takes the form {{f(z1, ..., zn)}} for symbols {{z1}} to {{zn}} and {{n > 0}}.
+ Here, symbols {{x}} and {{y}} denote either constants, variables, or skolem terms. Variables are prefixed with a '$' sign. Constants that contain spaces must be delimited using single quotes. A skolem term takes the form {{f(z1, ..., zn)}} for constants and/or variables {{z1}} to {{zn}} and {{n > 0}}.
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- meaning="f1($x):Measurement[measContext=$y:Location, measProp=$z:Biomass, measItem=MEDSA]"/>
+ meaning="f1($x):Measurement[measContext=$y:Location, measProp=$z:Biomass, measItem=MEDSA:Species]"/>
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- meaning="f2($x):Measurement[measContext=$y:Location, measProp=$z:Biomass, measItem=GLYMX]"/>
+ meaning="f2($x):Measurement[measContext=$y:Location, measProp=$z:Biomass, measItem=GLYMX:Species]"/>
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- Here, each tuple of the dataset represents two distinct measurements of biomass: one for the MEDSA species and the other for the GLYMX species. The skolem terms {{f1($x)}} and {{f2($x)}} distinguish these two observations given a tuple {{$x}}, that is, the skolem terms can be seen as an creating two objects from the original object {{$x}}.
+ Here, each tuple of the dataset represents two distinct measurements of biomass: one for the MEDSA species and the other for the GLYMX species. The skolem terms {{f1($x)}} and {{f2($x)}} distinguish these two observations given a tuple {{$x}}, that is, the skolem terms can be seen as creating two objects from the original object {{$x}}.
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- The abbreviated syntax has a natural "translation" to the full syntax. For expressions {{T}} in the abbreviated syntax, the following two annotations are equivalent.
+ The abbreviated syntax has a natural translation to the full syntax. For expressions {{T}} in the abbreviated syntax, the following two annotations are equivalent.
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- <sms:Annotation object="$x:T[A1=$y1], $y2:[A2=$y3] ... $yn-1:[An=$yn]" meaning="$yn:C"/>
+ <sms:Annotation object="$x:T[A1=$y1], $y1[A2=$y2] ... $yn-1[An=$yn]" meaning="$yn:C"/>
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- The original semantic type for the {{crops}} data set expressed in the abbreviated syntax, the following semantic type is an equivalent version but expressed in the full syntax. Compared with the semantic type below, the full {{crops}} semantic type given above (relating tuple values via the ontology) is semantically more "precise."
+ The original semantic type for the {{crops}} data set expressed in the abbreviated syntax is translated below into an equivalent semantic type in the full syntax. Compared with the {{crops}} semantic type given above in the full syntax (relating tuple values via the ontology), the semantic type below is "less precise." However, in many cases where the semantic type is fairly simple, the abbreviated annotation syntax will be sufficient to describe the desired semantics.

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