Difference between
version 155
version 154:
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- This document describes an interchange syntax that can be used to express semantic types. |
+ This document describes an interchange syntax that can be used to express semantic types. We describe __three__ versions of the format: a canonical version, a version for embedding within MoML files, and a version for embedding within EML files. For the case of embeddings, we show how the embedding can be converted to the canonical version. |
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- A __semantic type__ classifies and constrains the semantic, as opposed to structural interpretation of a __resource__. Datasets, actors (services), and actor input and output ports are examples of resources that may have semantic types within SEEK. |
+ A __semantic type__ classifies and constrains the semantic, as opposed to structural interpretation of a __resource__. Datasets, workflows, actors (and other workflow components), and actor input and output ports are examples of resources that may have semantic types within SEEK. |
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- A semantic type is expressed as a set of __semantic annotations__. The purpose of a semantic annotation is to assign objects of a resource a "meaning" using ontology terms. A semantic annotation serves to "link" a portion of a resource to a portion of an ontology. In this way, the semantic interpretation of a resource (its semantic type) is built from the annotation of its parts. |
+ A semantic type is an ontology expression that is "linked" to a resource using a __semantic annotation__. Generally, the resource in question will have an annotation to a single concept. , and then individual objects of the resource will be mapped to portions of the concept. In this way, the semantic interpretation of a resource (its semantic type) can be further elaborated |
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- <sms:semtype id="..." xmlns:sms="http://seek.ecoinformatics.org/sms"> |
+ <sms:semtype id="id3" xmlns:sms="http://seek.ecoinformatics.org/sms"> |
Removed lines 36-39 |
- <sms:prop name="author" value="J. Smith"/> |
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- ... |
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