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KRSMS Semantic Annotation Language

Difference between version 26 and version 25:

Line 15 was replaced by line 15
- <sms:Label name="..." resource="..."/>
+ <sms:Label name="..." object="..."/>
Line 30 was replaced by line 30
- A resource can take one of the following three forms, depending its resource type (i.e., dataset, actor, or actor input/output port):
+ Labels within semantic type descriptions provide a mechanism to rename certain resource and ontology items (objects). The {{Label}} element assigns the {{name}} attribute value to the value in the {{object}} attribute value. A label name is used within an annotation, and serves as a shorthand representation for the object in question. Each {{Label}} tag is required to have exactly one {{name}} and {{object}} attribute. A {{SemanticType}} element may have zero or more {{Label}} sub-elements. (___Should every term, except variables, used in an annotation require a label?___)
Removed lines 32-46
- {{{
- <sms:Dataset resource="..."/>
- }}}
- {{{
- <sms:Actor resource="..."/>
- }}}
- {{{
- <sms:ActorPort portName="..." resource="..."/>
- }}}
- The {{Dataset}} tag designates a dataset resource, whose resource identifier is given via the {{resource}} attribute. A dataset identifier is a unique identifier (e.g., an LSID) for the dataset, and we assume that the dataset identifier can be used (via additional tools) to retrieve the actual dataset. The {{Actor}} tag designates an actor resource and the {{resource}} attribute the unique identifier for the actor being reference. The {{ActorPort}} tag denotes a port of an actor. The {{portName}} attribute specifies the port for an actor identified via the {{resource}} attribute. A {{Resources}} element in an annotation must specify at least one resource subelement (either {{Dataset}}, {{Actor}}, or {{ActorPort}}). More than one resource subelement is permitted. For each subelement, the {{resource}} is attribute is required. In addition, for {{ActorPort}} elements, the {{portName}} attribute is required.

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