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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




KRSMS Semantic Annotation Language

Difference between version 7 and version 6:

Line 38 was replaced by line 38
- We describe each of the subelements above in turn below.
+ Note that every annotation should have a unique identifier, preferably an LSID. We describe each of the annotation subelements in turn below.
At line 41 added 17 lines.
+ A resource can take one of the following three forms, depending its resource type (i.e., dataset, actor, or actor input/output port):
+ {{{
+ <sms:Dataset resource="..."/>
+ }}}
+ {{{
+ <sms:Actor resource="..."/>
+ }}}
+ {{{
+ <sms:ActorPort portName="...">
+ <sms:Actor resource="..."/>
+ </sms:ActorPort>
+ A dataset id is a unique identifier for the dataset. We assume that the dataset identifier can be used (with additional applications) for retrieval.

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