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KRSMS Semantic Annotation Language

Difference between version 79 and version 78:

Line 45 was replaced by line 45
- <sms:Label name="Biomass" resource=""/>
+ <sms:Label name="Biomass" resource=""/>
Line 55 was replaced by line 55
- The annotation language has two forms: a simple "shorthand" syntax, and a more complex, full syntax. For resources and their objects, the simple syntax permits the following expressions given a resource label {{T}} and attribute name {{A}}:
+ The annotation language has two forms: a simple "shorthand" syntax, and a more complex, full syntax. For resources and their objects, the simple syntax permits the following expressions given a resource label {{T}} and attributes {{A1}} to {{An}:
Line 60 was replaced by line 60
- T.A
+ T.A1
Line 62 was replaced by line 62
- T.A. ... .A
+ T.A1.A2. ... .An
Line 65 was replaced by line 65
- The expression {{T}} selects corresponding objects of the resource. For example, if the resource is a data set, {{T}} selects the tuple objects of the resource. If the resource is an actor, {{T}} selects instances of the actor. Similarly, the expression {{T.A}} selects the nested {{A}} objects of {{T}}. For {{T}} representing a data set, this expression would select the values of attribute {{A}}. The last expression selects nested attributes for complex structures that can occur in actor input/output ports. For example, if {{T}} represented an input port to some actor, the expression {{T.A1.A2}} selects the {{A2}} objects nested within {{A1}} objects of {{T}} instances.
+ The expression {{T}} selects corresponding objects of the resource. For example, if the resource is a data set, {{T}} selects the tuple objects of the resource. If the resource is an actor, {{T}} selects instances of the actor. Similarly, the expression {{T.A1}} selects the nested {{A1}} objects of {{T}}. For {{T}} representing a data set, this expression would select the values of attribute {{A1}}. The last expression selects nested attributes for complex structures that can occur in actor input/output ports. For example, if {{T}} represented an input port to some actor, the expression {{T.A1.A2}} selects the {{A2}} objects nested within {{A1}} objects of {{T}} instances.
Line 67 was replaced by line 67
- In the simple-version of the annotation syntax, we permit the following ontology expressions given ontology concepts {{C}} and roles {{R}} (both resource labels):
+ In the simple-version of the annotation syntax ontology expressions consist of single concept labels {{C}} defined as resources.
Lines 69-77 were replaced by line 69
- {{{
- C
- C[A=C, ..., A=C]
- }}}
- Consider the following partially filled-in semantic-type definition:
+ To illustrate, consider the following semantic-type definition expressed using the simple annotation syntax for a data set resource:
Lines 83-92 were replaced by lines 75-85
- <sms:Annotation object="Crops" meaning="..."/>
- <sms:Annotation object="" meaning="..."/>
- <sms:Annotation ojbect="Crops.spp" meaning="..."/>
- <sms:Annotation ojbect="Crops.yr" meaning="..."/>
- <sms:Annotation ojbect="Crops.station" meaning="..."/>
+ <sms:Label name="Measurement" resource=""/>
+ <sms:Label name="Biomass" resource=""/>
+ <sms:Label name="Species" resource=""/>
+ <sms:Label name="Year" resource=""/>
+ <sms:Label name="NamedLocation" resource=""/>
+ <sms:Annotation object="Crops" meaning="Measurement"/>
+ <sms:Annotation object="" meaning="Biomass"/>
+ <sms:Annotation ojbect="Crops.spp" meaning="Species"/>
+ <sms:Annotation ojbect="Crops.yr" meaning="Year"/>
+ <sms:Annotation ojbect="Crops.station" meaning="NamedLocation"/>

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