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NU Taxon Update_Sept 2005

Difference between version 3 and version 2:

Line 6 was replaced by line 6
- ***ITIS TCS XML file huge for seven entire hierarchies - 650MB
+ **ITIS TCS XML file huge for seven entire hierarchies - 650MB
At line 7 added 2 lines.
+ ***Takes 2.5 minutes to read in and parse (slightly faster with StAX v SAX parser) and uses 350MB+ memory
+ ***Two pass parsing uses less memory but 4 minutes to parse
At line 9 added 4 lines.
+ *Additions/Refinements to visualisation
+ **Ability to find uniquely named taxa out of a set of classifications
+ **Speeded up large tree comparisons - 2.5s to find classification structural changes
+ **Simple hash functions to reference names across classifications reduce memory footprint for sparser datasets without detriment to speed
At line 14 added 4 lines.

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