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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




News And Announcements 2004

Difference between version 8 and version 7:

At line 2 added 7 lines.
+ |May 25, 2005|[Ecogrid Developer position opened|EcogridDeveloperPosition2005] __FILLED__
+ |April 9, 2005|[Web Developer position re-opened|WebDeveloperLTER2005]
+ |March 25, 2005|[Postdoctoral Researcher position in Knowledge Representation opened|]
+ |February 7, 2005|[Workshop on Data Discovery in the Biological Sciences, February 7-9, 2005] began at University of New Mexico's Ecoinformatics Training and Software Usability Test Laboratory
+ |December 13, 2004|[Second KNB Workshop on Data Management Tools to be held February 2-4, 2005|]
+ |October 4, 2004|[New Faculty and Postdoctoral Training:Ecoinformatics Training for Ecologists|SEEKPostdoctoralAndNewFacultyTrainingJanuary2005] announced for January 3-7, 2005 at the LTER Network Office, UNM.
Removed lines 11-13
- |October 4, 2004|[New Faculty and Postdoctoral Training:Ecoinformatics Training for Ecologists|SEEKPostdoctoralAndNewFacultyTrainingJanuary2005] announced for January 3-7, 2005 at the LTER Network Office, UNM.
- |December 13, 2004|[Second KNB Workshop on Data Management Tools to be held February 2-4, 2005|]
- |February 7, 2005|[Workshop on Data Discovery in the Biological Sciences, February 7-9, 2005] began at University of New Mexico's Ecoinformatics Training and Software Usability Test Laboratory

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