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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




SEEK Taxon Community

Difference between version 91 and version 43:

Lines 6-8 were replaced by line 6
- * Taxonomic Object Service (TOS) (SOAP service) []
- ** [TOSAPISignatures]
- ** [Use Cases Driving TOS Development|TaxonUseCasesTemplatesMarch04]
+ * Taxonomic Object Service (TOS) (SOAP service) []
Line 11 was replaced by line 9
- ** available at []
+ ** available at []
Lines 15-17 were replaced by lines 13-14
- * [Next conference call | TaxonWGConferenceCallAvailableTimes]
- * [TaxonTaskList]
- * Overview of [SeekTaxonTools] - new!
+ * [All Hands Meeting Taxon Agenda | AHM_May2006_Taxon]]
+ * [Current tasks, goals | TaxonTaskList]
At line 18 added 6 lines.
+ !! Documentation of current work
+ * [TOS Interfaces | TOSAPISignatures]
+ * [Use Cases Driving TOS Development|TaxonUseCasesTemplatesMarch04]
+ * [Overview of GUI Tool Requirements | SeekTaxonTools] - new!
+ * [GetTaxa Actor | GetTaxaActor]
Line 25 was replaced by lines 28-48
- __2004 (most current first)__
+ __2006 (most current first)__
+ * [30 May 2006 Teleconference | TaxonWGConferenceCall_30May2006]
+ * [2-3 May 2006 All Hands Meeting | AllHandsMeeting2006Notes]
+ * [18 Apr 2006 Teleconference | TaxonWGConferenceCall_18Apr2006]
+ * [29 March 2006 Teleconference | TaxonWGConferenceCall_29Mar2006]
+ * [22 Mar 2006 Teleconference | TaxonWGConferenceCall_15Mar2006]
+ * [22 Feb 2006 Teleconference | TaxonWGConferenceCall_22Feb2006]
+ * [30-31 January meeting at NESCent | TaxonMeeting_30Jan2006]
+ * [Notes from 5 Jan 2006 Teleconference | TaxonWGConferenceCall_5Jan2006]
+ __2005__
+ * [Notes from 22 Nov 2005 Teleconference | TaxonWGConferenceCall_22Nov2005]
+ * [Taxon-specific All-Hands meeting Notes 2005 October | AllHandsMeeting2005TaxonAgendaAndNotes]
+ * [Notes from 30 Sept 2005 Taxon Conference Call | TaxonWGConferenceCall_30Sept2005]
+ * [Notes from 14,21 March 2005 Taxon Conference Call | TaxonWGConferenceCall_14Mar2005]
+ * [8 March KR/SMS/Taxon Integration Breakout | KrSmsTaxon2005Mar8]
+ * [15-17 February Taxon Meeting | TaxonMeetingFeb2005]
+ * [Notes from 14 January 2005 Taxon Conference Call | TaxonWGConferenceCall_14Jan2004]
+ __2004__
+ * [Notes from 15 December 2004 Taxon Conference Call | TaxonWGConferenceCall_15Dec2004]
Line 70 was replaced by lines 93-94
+ * [Bob's Buttercup example in TSC-Schema | TCS-XML example]
+ * [ABQMeetingPrimer]

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