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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




SMS Hot Topics

Difference between version 2 and version 1:

Line 1 was replaced by lines 1-29
- * A grammar for semantic annotations
+ __Current Development Tasks __
+ * bugzilla summary here ...
+ __A grammar for semantic annotations__
+ Note that parenthesis ''( )''are part of the grammar language, e.g., ''('' ... '')*'' means zero or more, ''('' ... '')+'' means one or more, and ''('' ... '')?'' means zero or on.
+ AnnotGroup ::= ( Annot )+
+ Annot ::= ItemExp '==>' OntExp
+ ItemExp ::= '/' ItemPath
+ ItemPath ::= ElemName ( '[' ItemCntxtExp ']' )* ( Var )? | ItemPath '/' ItemPath | '*' | '.'
+ Var ::= '{' '$' VarName '}'
+ ItemCntxtExp ::= ItemPath | ItemPath Op ItemValue
+ Op ::= '=' | '<' | '>' | ...
+ OntExp ::= ConceptName ( Var )? ( OntPath )?
+ OntPath ::= '.' RoleName ( '#' ConceptName )? ( Var )? ( OntPath )?

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