Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge
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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




SMS Hot Topics

Difference between version 25 and version 24:

Line 8 was replaced by line 8
- * Note that parenthesis are special symbols used to define the grammar, e.g., {{( ... )*}} means zero or more, {{( ... )+}} means one or more, and {{( ... )?}} means zero or one.
+ Here is the current grammar for semantic annotation expressions. Note that parenthesis are special symbols used to define the grammar, e.g., {{( ... )*}} means zero or more, {{( ... )+}} means one or more, and {{( ... )?}} means zero or one.
Line 11 was replaced by line 11
- {{{
+ {{{
Line 17 was replaced by line 17
- name( ItemPath )
+ "name(" ItemPath ")"
Line 38 was replaced by lines 38-40
- }}}
+ }}}
+ The terminal symbols consist of ConceptName, IndividualName, RoleName, and VarName denoting ontology concept identifiers, ontology individual identifiers, ontology role names, and variable names, respectively.

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