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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




SMS Hot Topics

Difference between version 32 and version 12:

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- __Current Development Tasks __
+ !!Current Tasks
Line 3 was replaced by line 3
- * bugzilla summary here ...
+ !Research
At line 4 added 8 lines.
+ * Languages
+ ** Syntax and semantics of semantic annotations
+ ** Approach for actors
+ ** Query/Function annotations
+ * Algorithms
+ ** Semantic compatibility checking
+ ** Semantic propagation algorithms and framework
+ ** Merging and integration
Line 6 was replaced by line 14
- __A grammar for semantic annotations__
+ !Development
Line 8 was replaced by lines 16-24
- * Note that parenthesis {{( )}} are used to define the syntax, e.g., {{( ... )*}} means zero or more, {{( ... )+}} means one or more, and {{( ... )?}} means zero or one.
+ * APIs
+ ** Published interface for semantic search and required back-end operations
+ * Languages
+ ** Serialization syntax for semantic annotations (for actors especially)
+ * Implementation
+ ** Implementation for semantic search API for Kepler Object Manager
+ ** Implement workflow semantic type check
+ ** Implement search for actor port and dataset annotations
+ ** Define the needed gui extensions
At line 10 added 6 lines.
+ !!A Syntax for Semantic Annotations
+ Here is the current grammar for semantic annotation expressions. Note that parenthesis are special symbols used to define the grammar, e.g., {{( ... )*}} means zero or more, {{( ... )+}} means one or more, and {{( ... )?}} means zero or one.
Line 12 was replaced by lines 34-64
- [1] AnnotGroup ::= ( Annot )+
+ [1] AnnotationGroup ::= ( Annotation )+
+ [2] Annotation ::= ItemExp "==>" OntExp
+ [3] ItemExp ::= "/" ItemPath |
+ "name(" ItemPath ")"
+ [4] ItemPath ::= ElemName ( "[" ItemCntxtExp "]" )* ( Var )? |
+ ItemPath "/" ItemPath |
+ "*" |
+ "."
+ [5] Var ::= "{" "$" VarName "}"
+ [6] ItemCntxtExp ::= ItemPath |
+ ItemPath ValueComp ItemValue
+ [7] ValueComp ::= "eq" | "ne" | "lt" | "le" | "gt" | "ge"
+ [8] OntExp ::= ConceptName ( Var )? ( OntPath )? |
+ "#" IndividualName ( OntPath )?
+ [9] OntPath ::= "." RoleName ( "#" ConceptName )? ( Var )? ( OntPath )? |
+ "." RoleName ( "#" IndividualName )? ( OntPath )?
+ }}}
+ The terminal symbols consist of ConceptName, IndividualName, RoleName, and VarName denoting ontology concept identifiers, ontology individual identifiers, ontology role names, and variable names, respectively.
Line 14 was replaced by line 66
- [2] Annot ::= ItemExp '==>' OntExp
+ __The Semantics of Semantic Annotations__
Removed line 16
- [3] ItemExp ::= '/' ItemPath
Lines 18-19 were replaced by lines 69-70
- [4] ItemPath ::= ElemName ( '[' ItemCntxtExp ']' )* ( Var )? |
- ItemPath '/' ItemPath | '*' | '.'
+ ## Need to define the scope of of variables within an annotation group
+ ## Need to determine what having the same variable on the right and left sides means.
Removed line 21
- [5] Var ::= '{' '$' VarName '}'
Lines 23-24 were replaced by line 73
- [6] ItemCntxtExp ::= ItemPath |
- ItemPath Op ItemValue
+ __A Simple XML Encoding/Wrapping for Semantic Annotations__
Line 26 was replaced by line 75
- [7] Op ::= '=' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '!='
+ * Some simple examples of an XML-ified version:
Line 28 was replaced by lines 77-124
- [8] OntExp ::= ConceptName ( Var )? ( OntPath )?
+ {{{
+ <!-- a very simple annotation -->
+ <sms:AnnotationGroup object="urn:lsid:...">
+ <sms:Annotation> / ==> AConcept </sms:Annotation>
+ </sms:AnnotationGroup>
+ }}}
+ {{{
+ <!-- a simple annotation where a new concept is defined -->
+ <sms:AnnotationGroup object="urn:lsid:...">
+ <sms:Annotation> / ==> MyConcept </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Where>
+ <owl:Class rdf:ID="MyConcept">
+ ...
+ </owl:Class>
+ </sms:Where>
+ </sms:AnnotationGroup>
+ }}}
+ {{{
+ <!-- a minimilistic port/dataset style annotation -->
+ <sms:AnnotationGroup object="urn:lsid:...">
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row/x1 ==> </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row/x2 ==> </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row/y1 ==> Transect.start.lon </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row/y2 ==> Transect.end.lon </sms:Annotation>
+ </sms:AnnotationGroup>
+ }}}
+ {{{
+ <!-- a slightly more detailed port/dataset style annotation -->
+ <sms:AnnotationGroup object="urn:lsid:...">
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row/x1 ==> Transect{$r}.start{$s}.lat </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row/x2 ==> Transect{$r}.end{$t}.lat </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row/y1 ==> Transect{$r}.start{$s}.lon </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row/y2 ==> Transect{$r}.end{$t}.lon </sms:Annotation>
+ </sms:AnnotationGroup>
+ }}}
+ {{{
+ <!-- an unambigious detailed port/dataset style annotation -->
+ <sms:AnnotationGroup object="urn:lsid:...">
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row{$q}/x1 ==> Transect{$r}.start{$s}.lat </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row{$q}/x2 ==> Transect{$r}.end{$t}.lat </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row{$q}/y1 ==> Transect{$r}.start{$s}.lon </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row{$q}/y2 ==> Transect{$r}.end{$t}.lon </sms:Annotation>
+ </sms:AnnotationGroup>
+ }}}
Line 30 was replaced by lines 126-139
- [9] OntPath ::= '.' RoleName ( '#' ConceptName )? ( Var )? ( OntPath )?
+ {{{
+ <!-- an unambigious detailed port/dataset style annotation with inlined concept defs -->
+ <sms:AnnotationGroup object="urn:lsid:...">
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row{$q}/x1 ==> Transect{$r}.start#MyPoint{$s}.lat </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row{$q}/x2 ==> Transect{$r}.end#MyPoint{$t}.lat </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row{$q}/y1 ==> Transect{$r}.start#MyPoint{$s}.lon </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Annotation> /r/row{$q}/y2 ==> Transect{$r}.end#MyPoint{$t}.lon </sms:Annotation>
+ <sms:Where>
+ <owl:Class rdf:ID="MyPoint">
+ <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="Point"/>
+ ...
+ </owl:Class>
+ </sms:Where>
+ </sms:AnnotationGroup>
At line 31 added 2 lines.

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