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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




SMS Service Interfaces

Difference between version 64 and version 63:

Line 133 was replaced by line 133
- getConcepts( OntologyID ) :: Set<ConceptID>
+ Set<ConceptID> getConcepts( OntologyID )
Line 135 was replaced by line 135
- getRoles( OntologyID ) :: Set<RoleID>
+ Set<RoleID> getRoles( OntologyID ) :: Set<RoleID>
Line 137 was replaced by line 137
- getMatchingConcepts( OntologyID, String ) :: Set<ConceptID>
+ Set<ConceptID> getMatchingConcepts( OntologyID, String )
Line 139 was replaced by line 139
- getMatchingRoles( OntologyID, String ) :: Set<ConceptID>
+ Set<ConceptID> getMatchingRoles( OntologyID, String )
Line 141 was replaced by line 141
- getSubConcepts( OntologyID, ConceptID, DirectFlag ) :: Set<ConceptID>
+ Set<ConceptID> getSubConcepts( OntologyID, ConceptID, DirectFlag )
Line 143 was replaced by line 143
- getSuperConcepts( OntologyID, ConceptID, DirectFlag ) :: Set<ConceptID>
+ Set<ConceptID> getSuperConcepts( OntologyID, ConceptID, DirectFlag )
Line 145 was replaced by line 145
- getSubRoles( OntologyID, RoleID, DirectFlag ) :: Set<RoleID>
+ Set<RoleID> getSubRoles( OntologyID, RoleID, DirectFlag )
Line 147 was replaced by line 147
- getSuperRoles( OntologyID, RoleID, DirectFlag ) :: Set<RoleID>
+ Set<RoleID> getSuperRoles( OntologyID, RoleID, DirectFlag )
Line 149 was replaced by line 149
- satisfies( ConceptExpression, ConceptExpression ) :: Boolean
+ Booolean satisfies( ConceptExpression, ConceptExpression )

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