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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




SMS_KR Developers Meeting Notes May 2005

Difference between version 36 and version 22:

Line 95 was replaced by line 95
- * Jenny presented slides (ref here) on SCIA:
+ * Jenny presented slides (ref here) on SCIA ("sie-ah"):
Line 99 was replaced by lines 99-154
- **
+ *** automatic matching impossible
+ ** requirements for schema mapping
+ *** correctness depends on application
+ *** needs to be quick
+ *** semantics easier with interactive approaches
+ ** approach:
+ *** scia, semi-automatic approach
+ *** critical points; users do critical points (hardest ones); system does the rest(simplest ones); iterate until satisfied
+ *** ...
+ ** critical points
+ *** occurs wehn a core context has either no good matches, or else has more than one good one-to-one match
+ *** core contexts are most important contextualizing elements for tags within subtrees
+ *** correctness of core context matches greatly affects correctness of matches for all nodes under them
+ ** examples
+ *** (n:1) order contact might match contact for billing, shipping and/or suplier
+ *** (n:1) concat of first name and lat name; species count divided by are for density
+ *** if bib/book/author is found as best match candiate to arts/arcticle/author
+ ** incorporate similarity flooding, but make small change
+ ** use cases
+ *** bibliography use case
+ *** Note: the examples use a thesaurus, which derives name matches, e.g., site -> station; the name matches are weighted at provide 2/10 of the accuracy in the overall matching accuracy calculation
+ *** ...
+ !! Semi-automated workflow composition (Thursday, 5th, 2005)
+ * Given a connection (relation) between two actors that has been flagged as incompatible, what next?
+ ** We want to allow for adapter insertion
+ ** Where the adapter can be "implemented" according to a number of approaches
+ *** Search for actors/composites that can perform the conversion
+ **** We want to use the "parameter dependencies" to insert the simple adapters
+ **** We want to provide simple structural conversions, like map
+ **** This could employ "planning" style approaches as well
+ *** If structural and not semantic, apply a DILS-like approach, given as input to SCIA
+ *** If structural and semantic, apply SCIA
+ *** Allow user to fill in the adapter itself
+ * Changes to SCIA that may be needed
+ ** Performance issues:
+ *** Generating XQuery, converting to XML, etc., may not be efficient in certain situations
+ *** Try outputing R instead
+ *** Try compiling directly to Java code
+ *** Search for existing conversions as a user elaborates a mapping (needs to call sms search capabilities ?)
+ !! Demos and Ontologies (Thursday, May 5th, 2005)
+ * More with Laura on Symbology
+ **need to expand # of icons in current propopsal (Laura will put up wiki page)
+ **consider mechanism for communicating both composite form and its function (kind of composite)
+ **add "external program" icon
+ **need to define small set of types of computations
+ **add "graphs" icon to display set of icons which would include scatter plots, bar graphs etc.
+ **consider defining small set of atomic actors that go across ontologies and small set of icons for ecology domain (issue here would still be that some kind of functions might be represented differently across ontologies)
+ **consider tying symbols to semantics in ontology but this might still lead to lots of icons
+ **consider providing a baseline set of symbols while controlling color but allow others to add their own symbols -- this could results in a large number of symbols and also could result in multiple symbols representing the same concept.
+ * SCIA demo
+ * Ferdinando
At line 100 added 1 line.
+ !! Tasks, Priorities, Milestones, Assignments (Thursday, May 5th, 2005)
Lines 102-107 were replaced by lines 158-159
- {{{
- SMS backend services
- User interface mockup
- Ontology needs assessment
- Tasks and milestones
- }}}
+ * Matt has the list ...

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