Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge
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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




SVN Repository

Difference between current version and version 7:

Line 11 was replaced by line 11
- The [SVN web interface|] provides access to any version of the documents stored in the repository. You can browse the web interface to locate single documents of interest and download the required version. The web interface is not particularly effective when you want to use an entire module. In that case, you should use a SVN client to access the SVN repository more efficiently. Documents related to SEEK are accessible through two main SVN modules:
+ The [SVN web interface|] provides access to any version of the documents stored in the repository. You can browse the web interface to locate single documents of interest and download the required version. The web interface is not particularly effective when you want to use an entire module. In that case, you should use a SVN client to access the SVN repository more efficiently. Documents related to SEEK are accessible through three main SVN modules:

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