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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Active Shorter Term

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- ! A Wiki page for the active SEEK Taxon participants to coordinate manuscript collaborations for the shorter term.
+ ! A Wiki page for active SEEK Taxon participants to coordinate manuscript collaborations (shorter term).
At line 19 added 70 lines.
+ * __Latest News:__ none
+ ----
+ !! Manuscript 2: "Taxonomic Concepts and Unique Digital Identifiers"
+ * __Current Authors:__ Franz, Thau
+ * __Additional Authors:__ Kennedy already indicated interest, various others should too and will be kept in the loop
+ * __Target Outlet:__ the journal ''Systematic Biology''
+ * __Current Status:__ as of September 1 (2004), Franz has sent a very coarse outline to Thau, and has started writing; submission planned within 2004
+ * __Inner Circulation:__ none
+ * __Target Audience:__ 1. (molecular, modern) phylogeneticists & taxonomists, concept creators, "working systematist big shots", 2. concept providers such as GenBank or GBIF (eventually)
+ * __Overview of Topics:__ introduces the audience to the ins & outs of digital IDs for on-line intellectual products, then argues for using such IDs ''in systematics'' (including molecular phylogenetics), and particularly ''in combination'' with taxonomic concepts; outlines the more technical and societal/economic issues related to implementation
+ * __Other Issues and Related Projects:__ manuscript has close ties to paper about concept relationships, addresses issues of concept creation vs. concept reuse (how to reduce inflation using unique IDs)
+ * __Help Needed:__ suggestions about __relevant literature?__ (print/on-line) on digital IDs, DOIs, LSIDs, etc. would be hepful; input regarding more specific problems will be requested as soon as they come up during the writing; we cannot complete this alone!
+ * __Latest News:__ none
+ ----
+ !! Manuscript 3: "Using Concepts in Ecology"
+ * __Current Authors:__ Kennedy, Paterson, Kukla...
+ * __Additional Authors:__ ? hopefully Peet et al
+ * __Target Outlet:__ ? a general ecology journal
+ * __Current Status:__ draft in early stages
+ * __Inner Circulation:__ ?
+ * __Target Audience:__ 1. ecologists, ...
+ * __Overview of Topics:__ introduces and advertises the use of concepts (instead of name) to the ecological community...
+ * __Other Issues and Related Projects:__ ?
+ * __Help Needed:__ ? we should have some real ecological examples where naming is an issue
+ * __Latest News:__ ?
+ ----
+ !! Manuscript 4: "An Abstract Model of Taxonomic Concepts to Allow Unconstrained Exchange of Taxonomic Information between Providers and Users"
+ * __Current Authors:__ Kennedy, Kukla, Paterson, ...
+ * __Additional Authors:__ ?
+ * __Target Outlet:__ ? A general Biology review type journal
+ * __Current Status:__ ? almost written
+ * __Inner Circulation:__ ?
+ * __Target Audience:__ 1. TDWG community, Taxonomists and general biologists, especially biodiversity area?...
+ * __Overview of Topics:__ describes issues/problems of relying on names, and the idea of taxonomic concepts, describes abstract inclusive model to represent concepts, and the transfer schema implementation of this model - that can cope with various models in taxonomic resources ( IPNI, ITIS, IOPI etc)
+ * __Other Issues and Related Projects:__ ?
+ * __Help Needed:__ ?
+ * __Latest News:__ ?
+ ----
+ !! Manuscript 5: "Introducing Concepts & VegBank"
+ * __Current Authors:__ Peet, ...
+ * __Additional Authors:__ ?
+ * __Target Outlet:__ ?
+ * __Current Status:__ ?
+ * __Inner Circulation:__ ?
+ * __Target Audience:__ 1. potential VegBank users, ...
+ * __Overview of Topics:__ see title...
+ * __Other Issues and Related Projects:__ ?
+ * __Help Needed:__ ?
+ * __Latest News:__ ?
At line 21 added 1 line.
+ !! Manuscript 6: "A comparison of concept-based taxonomic data models"
At line 22 added 28 lines.
+ * __Current Authors:__ Xianhua, Peet
+ * __Additional Authors:__ hopefully Kennedy et al
+ * __Target Outlet:__ ?
+ * __Current Status:__ a first draft completed and is waiting for comments from Peet
+ * __Inner Circulation:__ ?
+ * __Target Audience:__ ?
+ * __Overview of Topics:__ A comparison of several taxonomic data models by scope, conceptual design, grain, implementation and application
+ * __Other Issues and Related Projects:__ ?
+ * __Help Needed:__ ?
+ * __Latest News:__ ?
+ ----
+ !! Manuscript 7: "Add your manuscript information here"
+ * __Current Authors:__ ?
+ * __Additional Authors:__ ?
+ * __Target Outlet:__ ?
+ * __Current Status:__ ?
+ * __Inner Circulation:__ ?
+ * __Target Audience:__ ?
+ * __Overview of Topics:__ ?
+ * __Other Issues and Related Projects:__ ?
+ * __Help Needed:__ ?
+ * __Latest News:__ ?
+ ----
At line 23 added 1 line.
+ ! Please feel free to modify the manuscript template as you see fit. Attach an empy template when you add a new manuscript to the list.

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