Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge
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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Active Shorter Term

Difference between version 10 and version 5:

Line 92 was replaced by line 92
- !! Manuscript 6: "Your Manuscript Here"
+ !! Manuscript 6: "A comparison of concept-based taxonomic data models"
At line 93 added 16 lines.
+ * __Current Authors:__ Xianhua, Peet
+ * __Additional Authors:__ hopefully Kennedy et al
+ * __Target Outlet:__ ?
+ * __Current Status:__ a first draft completed and is waiting for comments from Peet
+ * __Inner Circulation:__ ?
+ * __Target Audience:__ ?
+ * __Overview of Topics:__ A comparison of several taxonomic data models by scope, conceptual design, grain, implementation and application
+ * __Other Issues and Related Projects:__ ?
+ * __Help Needed:__ ?
+ * __Latest News:__ ?
+ ----
+ !! Manuscript 7: "Add your manuscript information here"
Removed line 99
Removed line 104

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