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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Biodiv Meeting Sep 2005

Difference between version 21 and version 10:

At line 2 added 1 line.
+ \\Matthew Brooke
Line 11 was replaced by line 12
- \\Cindy Parr
+ \\Cindy Parr?
Line 19 was replaced by lines 20-25
- *8:30-12:00 Research project design; Data needs: which ones, who's responsible, where to archive, metadata requirements
+ *8:30-9:00 Goals of SEEK and this working group
+ *9:00-9:30 Overview of data/metadata being placed in the EcoGrid
+ *9:30-10:00 [Overview of the PDTNet project & introduction to that dataset (already integrated)|20050926PDTNet]
+ *10:00-10:15 Break
+ *10:15-11:00 Overview of project defined in March
+ *11:00-12:00 Biodiversity analytical tasks
Line 21 was replaced by lines 27-30
- *1:30-5:00 Kepler installation & walk through; Workflow results to date; Workflow development & actor assignments
+ *1:30-3:00 [Specification of project(s) to be implemented in Kepler|20050926Project]
+ *3:00-3:15 Break
+ *3:15-4:00 Continued
+ *4:00-5:30 Kepler installation & walk through; Workflow results to date; R in Kepler
Line 23 was replaced by line 32
- *8:30-12:00 TBD by ecologists at end of Monday
+ *8:30-12:00 Work on workflows, data, projects
Line 25 was replaced by lines 34-35
- *1:30-5:00 Niche concept map exercise
+ *1:30-3:00 Work on workflows, data, projects
+ *3:00-5:30 Niche concept map exercise
Line 33 was replaced by line 43
- *1:30-5:00 Ontology development
+ *1:30-5:00 Ontology development (continued)
Line 35 was replaced by line 45
- *8:30-12:00 Kepler modeling: hands on
+ *8:30-12:00 Kepler ecological modeling: hands on

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