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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




ENM Pipeline Conference Call 14 Sep 2004

Difference between version 4 and version 3:

Line 6 was replaced by line 6
- # Ricardo summary of work
+ * Ricardo summary of work
Line 13 was replaced by line 13
- # OM actors will take layers, a sampling grid, and occurrence data as inputs
+ * OM actors will take layers, a sampling grid, and occurrence data as inputs
At line 16 added 6 lines.
+ ** DIGIR query is currently a single call to DiGIR
+ *** Need to do a DiGIR 'inventory' call to get list of species, then iterate across those species
+ **** But note that EcoGrid does not provide the DiGIR inventory method
+ **** Also note DiGIR results are not yet handled in Kepler
+ * Action items

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