(The following notes taken by S. Bowers)
- Feta Architecture
- Ontologist (Chris Wroe) -> Ontology Editor -> DL Reasoner -> Classification (in RDF(S)) -> obtain classification -> Feta, PeDRo
- Store WSDL Descriptions (in special XML schema), then annotate, and give to Feta
- The ontology, classified, and the annotated wsdl are merged into a single graph
- Taverna Workflow Workbench issues "semantic discovery via conceptual descriptions" against feta ... a set of canned queries
- Feta Engine
- Feta Loader uses myGrid service onto and domain onto
- use Jena, e.g., to do RDQL queries, etc.
- Feta Data Model
- Operation (name, description, task -- from a bio service ontology, method -- particular type of algo/codes also from onto but not used much, resource, application, hasInput : Parameter, hasOutput : Parameter)
- Parameter (name, desc, semantic type, format, transport type, collection type, collection format)
- Service (name, description, author, organizations)
- WSDL based operation is a subclass of Operation
- WSDL based Web Service is a subclassof Service (hasOperation : WSDL based operation)
- workflow, bioMoby service, soaplab service, local java code subclasses of Service and Operation
- seqHound service is an operation
- Each parameter can have a semantic type, stating that the parameter is an instance of a class, and the operation can have a "task" which is also a "semantic type" and "method"
- SHIM (need acronym)
- semantically compatible, syntactically incompatible services
- uniprot database (uniprot_record) -> parser and filter shim -> blastp analysis (protein_sequence)
- working definition: a software component who's main purpose is to syntactically match otherwise incompatible resources. it takes some input, performs some task and produces an output. depending on usage, a shim can be semantically neutral ...
- in myGrid, basically doing type manipulations (map between abstract types to concrete types), e.g., embl, genbank, fasta concrete types, dna_sequence is an abstract type
- examples:
- parser / filter
- de-referencer
- syntax translator
- mapper
- iterator
- dereferencer
- service a (genbank id) -> dereferencer -> service b (genbank record)
- retreives information from a URL
- syntax translator
- service a (dna seq; bsml) -> syntax translator -> service b (dna seq; agave)
- mapper
- service a (genbank id) -> mapper -> service b (embl id)
- iterator
- service a (collection of x) -> iterator -> service b (a single x)
- seven steps to shim "nirvana"
- recognize 2 services are not compatible (syntactically, possibly semantically)
- recognize the degree of mismatch
- everything connected to everything
- identify what type of shiim(s) is/are needed
- find or manufacture the shim
- advise user on "semantic safety" of the shim
- not clear what this means ...
- invoke the shim
- record provenance
- my (Shawn's) proposal: a shim is an actor/service whose input semantic type is the same or more general than the output semantic type
- Motivation
- workflows in grid-using communities
- challenges in supporting workflow management
- research on workflow planning at usc/isi
- using ai techniques in Pegasus to generate executable grid workflows
- using metadata descriptions as first step, to get away from the file encodings of VDL and Pegasus
- an operator is specified generally as an (if preconditions then add <stuff>) form, in Lisp/Scheme syntax
- example: user can say: I want the results of a pulsar search at this time and location
- the generation of the operation defs are done by hand ... began looking at how to construct them automatically
- The information model
- Organization of people, projects, experiments, and so on
- Operations, ... (Pinar)
- every data item can be annotated with various type information ... some slides
- mime types
- primary objective is to model escience processes, not the domain -- capturing the process provides added value: facilitates contextualization, data-model contracts between components, visualize integrated result object (as a result of a workflow), ...
- data fusion/integration not guided by this model
- The aim
- providing more direct support for the implementation of e-Science processes by:
- increasing the synergy between components
- facilitating data-model contracts between myGrid components
- defining a coherent myGrid architecture
- Some benefits:
- automatically capturing provenance and context information that is relevant to the interpretation and sharing of the results of the e-science experiments
- facilitating personalization and collaboration
- Implementation
- a database with a web service interface ... as canned queries
- generic interface, i.e., sql query
- performance penality -- overhead, access calls, etc.
- Questions
- Does the model support "synthetic" versus "raw/natural" data?
- What about the set-up and callibration of tools
- Also, predicted data versus experimentally observed
- The model is based on CCRC model
- There are also a lot of standards that should be incorporated, so need some kind of extensibility
- There needs to be place-holders for these within the information model
- Related issue is where the results should be stored
- three stores: one is the third-party databases (e.g., arrayexpress gene expression database ...) and link back
- this is encompassed by the MIR -- myGrid Info. Repository; like a notebook
- First thing done with information model
- Workbench: MIR browser, metadata browser, WF model editor/explorer, feta search gui
- Taverna execution environment: freefluo, and various plug-ins for MIR, Metadata Storage, and Feta
- MIR extenral
- Interestingly, the information model is "viewed" through a tree browser
- The Mediator
- Application oriented
- directly supports the e-Scientist by:
- providing pre-configured e-Science processes templates (i.e., system level worlkflows)
- helping capturing and maintaining context information that is relevant to the interpretation and sharing of the results of the e-science experiments
- facilitating personalization and collaboration
- middleware-oriented
- contributes to the synergy between mygrid services by
- acting as a sink for e-Science events initiated by myGrid components
- interpreting the intercepted events and triggering interactions w/ other related components entailed by the semantics of those events
- compensating for possible impedence mismatches with other services both in terms of data types and interaction protocols
- not really an issue -- won't do much here -- but might be some other components that want to participate, and would need to have this service
- inspired, etc., by WSMF, WSMO, WSMX, WSML, ..., Deri web-services -- Deter Fensel, et al.
- Supporting the e-Scientist
- recurring use-cases can be captured
- find workflows use-case
- etc.
- mediating between services
- fully service based approach
- the whole myGrid as a service
- all communication done through web services (the mediator acts as the front door / gateway)
- the name mediator taken from Gang of Four pattern with the same name
- internals
- mediation layer: action decision logic, event handlers, etc.
- interface aggregation layer: request router
- component access layer: mir proxy, enactor proxy, registry proxy, mds store proxy, dqpproxy, etc.
- all of these doc's are under the MIR portion of the Wiki
- Peter Li: Large data set transfer use case from Graves' disease scenario
- Graves' disease: autoimmune thyroid disease; lymphocytes attack thyroid gland cells causing hyperthyroidism; symptoms: increates pulse rate, sweating, heat interolerance, goitre, exophthalmose; inherited
- In silico experiments: microarray data analysis, gene annotation pipeline, design of genotype assays for SNP variations
- large data set transfer problem: ~9 data sets x 60 mb of GD array data; affyR service integrates data sets, ...
- demo
- Tom Oinn
- service a passes data to service b
- service b may start before service a finished execution
- need a comprehensive solution
- lsid's won't work
- to get the data out of it, you have to use soap calls, and you get all the data at once, or none
- the only way is if the lsid points to a stream -- otherwise lsid arch. won't support it
- Inferno ... Redding e-Science center (?) in the UK ... Inferno e-service
- take any command line tool, wrap it up in this mechanism, deal with the reference passing, automatically
- inputs are urls, protocol called styx
- basically, a naming convention that lets you denote streams
- http://www.vitanuova.com/solutions/grid/grid.html
- Chris Wroe
- use case from integrative biology
- oxford and new zealand
- from dna to whole organism modeling
- cardiac vulnerability to acute ischemia: step 1; import mechanical model from Aukland Data
- get mechanical model of heart
- take slice, place in perfusion bath, top and botttom surfaces isolated, site pacing ...
- finite elelent approach
- properties of fusion bath
- protocol for what they do in the experiment: pace at 250ms, apply shock, repeat with diff. interfals, etc.
- each simulation takes a week
- perturb initial conditions; stage 1 hypoxia (lack of oxygen), stage 2 hypoxia
- data analysis: construct activation map, measure activation potential duration, threshold for fibrillation, file produced every 1ms, big
- perl/shell scripts for all of this
- want to e-iffy this.
- simulation step
- long running, no other examples of this in myGrid
- finite element bidomain solver: mechanical model, electrophysio model, simulation protocol, initial conditions, parameters -> result file produced for every 1ms 7.3 mb
- monitor, stop, checkpoint, discard, restart with different parameters
- a mesh problem ... so more computation and you still run it for a week
- http://www.geodise.org
Simon Cox
- Jeffrey Grethe
- BIRN workflow requirements (Biomedical informatics research network)
- enable new understanding of neurological disease by integrating data across multiple scales from macroscopic brain function etc.
- telescience portal enabled tomography workflow
- composed of the sequence of steps required to acquire, process, visualize, and extract useful information from a 3D volume
- morphometry workflow
- structural analysis of data
- large amounts of pre-processing
- normalization, calibration, etc., to get data in a form to be analyzed
- most methods in the pre-process stream can lead to errors
- requires manual editing, etc., and have a set of checkpoints, where a user interacts
- moving towards high-performance computing resources
- parameter sweeps
- taking birn-miriad numbers and comparing to what scientist has done ...
- researcher traced out diff area of the brain, need to compare fully automated approach
- looking for correct parameters to use for the imaging
- get as close as you can to the actual, to the trained researcher, can do: correlate minute changes in actual brain structure to saying to some patient we should put you on some drug regime because you have alzheimers -- to some preventive course of action
- has picture/slide of the workflow
- baseline preprocessing can take upwards of a day
- Karan Vahi
- Abstract Workflow (DAX): expressed in terms of logical entities; specifies all logical fils required to gen. the desired data prod. from scratch; dependencies between the jobs; analogous to build style dag
- format for specifying the abstract workflow, id's the recipe for creation
- xml syntax / format
- Concrete workflow ...
- alternate replica mechanisms
- how to manage replicas of the same service?
- haven't been looking at that, because of the mandate of the Pegasus ...
- all jobs run independently, wrapped around java executables, shell scripts, etc.
- leveraging condor, and condor-g, which don't go further with web-services, etc.
- Adam Birnbaum
- Resurgence project
- encyclopedia of life (eol) : automated annotations for all of the know protein sequences; slurp 1.5 million things out of a db, and push through seven to ten programs
- both want to have some kind of simple visual prog. screen, see nothing but icons relevant to their field, setup the workflow, say go, and do it 1.5 mill times / domain specific tools/icons, and say go repeatedly
- need constraints among icons: outputs and inputs
- template workflows, default settings, etc.
- check validity of resulting configurations / workflows
- what is meant here by high throughput, thousands of tasks per month (not flops), 1.5 mill jobs over 6 month period, e.g.
- scientist wants to run many times, varying the inputs
- apst and nimrod (tested with these)
- pegasus in same category
- Brainstorm
- data-intensive
- 3rd party transfer
- handling handles
- streaming
- where does data intensive transport fit?
- separation of concerns ... who does what?
- is there a one-size-fits-all framework?
- wf-life cycle
- construction / design
- instantiation / parameter / data binding
- execution ~ streaming (provenance)
- conpute-intensive
- streaming
- wf exception handling
- job scheduling: where does it fit? (to hide or not to hide)
- Non-Breakout Breakout on Registry Services, etc.
- mygrid and biomoby "data models" are similar enough to plug together
- different ontologies: service, bioiformatics, molecular biology
- data model for services, etc.
- lots of discusion ...
- Verification of experiment data; recipes for experiment designs; explanation for the impact of changes; ownership; performance; data quality
- The "Provenance Pyramid" -- Knowledge level; Organisation Level; Data Level; Process Level
- Organisation Level at the bottom left of the pyramid, the same size as the right size, which contains the Data Level on top of the Process Level
- myGrid approach
- LSIDs: to identify objects
- myGrid information model and mIR: to store lower levels of the pyramid
- sem web technologies (RDF, Ontologies): to store knowledge provenance
- Taverna workflow workbench and plugins: ensure automated recording
- each bioinf database on the web has:
- diff. policies for assigning and maintaining identifiers, dealing with versioning, etc.
- diff. mechanisms ...
- OMG standard
- urn:lsid:AuthorityID:NamespaceID:ObjectID:RevisionID
- urn:lsid:ncbi.nlm.nig.gov:GenBank:T48601:2
- lsid designator -- the item being id'd is a lifes science-specific resource
- authority identifier -- internet domain owned by org that assigns an LSID to a resource
- namespace id -- name of the resource
- etc.
- how id data retrived with LSIDs?
- application -> 1. get me infor for id --> LSID client
- 2. where can i get data and metadata for ID
- returns wsdl doc giving information on where to get the data
- Authority commitments
- data returned for a given lsid must always be the same
- must always maintain an authority at e.g. pdb.org that can point to data and metadata resolvers
- lsid components
- IBM build client and server implementations in Perl, Java, C++ ...
- fairly straightforward to wrap an existing db as a source of data or metadata
- client also straightforward
- LSID launchpad ... within internet explorer (type in your lsid, returns metadata, etc)
- Use of LSIDs within myGrid
- needed an id for things such as workflows, experiments, new data results, etc.
- everything id'd with LSIDs
- build and deployed: LSID assigning server; lsid authority (http://www.mygrid.org.uk
); metadata resolver; data resolver; (all based on IBM's open source implementation)
- experiences
- advantages: urn makes it easy to integrate with semantic web tools; more explicit than a url: there is an explicit protocol for separating metadata from data
- disadvantages: have to decide what is data and metadata because they have different commitments (versioning); up to Jul 04, implementations chasing revisions in the standard maturing ... ow seems stable as standardisation more complete; to be successful across the community, it will require widespread adoption by providers such as Genbank, UniProt, etc.
- Provenance storage
- architecture
- 1. data setn/received from services; 2. new lsids assigned to data; 3. data / metadata stroed; ...
- metdata store: Jena RDF store; pushes RDF to LSID metadata resolver
- mIR is an object relational database pushes XStream-RDF to LSID metadata resolver, and objects to LSID data resolver
- use jena to store the rdf data
- lsid resolver outputs xml and text-plain
- scientific annotation
- the goal of this experiment was ...
- the results prove the hypothesis that...
- need a schema for these annotations
- tools to add the annotations
- Tracy Cradddic
- Williams workflow B ...
- large amounts of data (or datatypes)
- data implicitly linked within itself
- data is implicitly linked outside of itself
- genomic sequence is central co-ordinating point, but there are anumber of different co-ordinate systesms
- some "biological", some artifacts of the workflow
- what's the problem
- we don't ahve a domain model
- we need a model for visualization
- but, domain models are hard
- it's not clear that the domain model should be in the middle ware
- what have we done!?
- bioinformatics pm (pre myGrid)
- one big distributed data heterogeneity and integration problem
- still a big distributed data heterogeneity and integration problem
- how do we solve the problem
- take the data, use something (perl or an MSc student) to map the data into a (partial) data model
- visualize this ...
- but what if the workflow changes?
- second solution
- large quantities of data are already available with rich mark up in a visualizable form
- this is unparsable, so also get the flat file rep
- start to build visualization information into the workflow using beanshell
- linked data from output -- domain model = scripts that hack these things together
- summary
- domain models are hard
- workflows can obfuscate the model
- visualization requires one
- we can build some knowledge of a domain model into the workflow and steal the rest.
- is there a better way?
- common.xsd
- service description
- serviceName
- organisation
- UDDI fields, e.g., organization name, etc.
- author
- locationURL
- interfaceWSDL
- serviceDescriptionText
- operations (units of funtionality)
- service operation
- operation name
- portName
- operationDescriptionText
- operationInputs
- parameter
- parameterName
- messageName
- parameterDescription
- defaultValue
- semanticType
- XMLSchemaURI
- isConfigurationParameter
- operationOutputs
- operationTask (the "what", i.e., what the operation does -- the verb or action -- e.g., "aligning, ncbi_blast_local_aligning, etc.")
- operationResource (underlying resources that the operation may use, like a database, coming from an ontology...)
- operationMethod
- operationApplication (software application)
- serviceType
- either: "Soaplab service, WSDL service, Workflow service"
- pedro
- uses this schema to drive the user interface for annotation
- also uses an external xml file to state that certain xml schema elements are to be filled in by semantic types, and where to look in the ontologies to fill those concepts
- http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~penpecip/feta/misc
for files ...
- Shims in detail: UniProt database to BLASTp analysis
- UniProt produces concrete type: UniProt_record
- contains protein_sequence