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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




Kepler Meeting SMS Notes

Difference between version 10 and version 9:

Lines 46-48 were replaced by lines 46-51
- *# Workflow and/or dataset browsing and keyword-search based on ontology terms
- *# Find "compatible" actors
- *** Given an actor, find semantically compatible actors that can be connected as an input or output to the actor (this might result in a dataset as input, e.g.)
+ *** Categorize workflows, components, datasets according to their position in the ontology concept hierarchy.
+ *** Search based on concepts-as-keywords, providing "term expansion" capabilities
+ *# Find "compatible" workflow components
+ *** Given a workflow component (an actor), find actors that can be connected to it (either as input or output) based on semantic annotations. If the annotations are "compatible" according to the ontology(ies), the component is returned.
+ *** Note that this could also result in "data binding," e.g., a dataset may be a "compatible" input.
+ *** Also note that semantic compatbility does not imply structural compatibility (the i/o types may not match)

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