Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge
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Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge




SEEK Components

Difference between version 11 and version 3:

Lines 1-3 were replaced by lines 1-15
- * [EcoGrid]
- * [Semantic Mediation]
- * [Analysis and Modeling]
+ The three components of the SEEK cyberinfrasture are:
+ * the [EcoGrid],
+ * a [Semantic Mediation] system and
+ * an [Analysis and Modeling] system.
+ These infrastructure components will be built with input and participation from three SEEK working groups:
+ * [Knowledge Representation|KnowledgeRepresentationWorkingGroup]
+ * [Biological Taxonomy and Classification|TaxonomyAndClassificationWorkingGroup]
+ * [Biodiversity and Ecological Analysis and Modeling|BiodiversityAndEcologicalAnalysisAndModelingWorkingGroup]
+ In addition, there is an emphasis on education through:
+ * [Eductation, Outreach, and Training|EducationAndTraining]

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