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SMS_KR_Taxon Developers Meeting May 2005

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- Hotel: Information to be provided\\
+ Venue: [YMCA of the Rockies |]\\
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+ !!! Overview
+ This meeting is for the full development group and other related individulas from the SEEK project to focus on design and implementation. There will be no overview, as participants are assumed to be fully familiar with the project. The SEEK developers will meet to discuss 1) design and implementation of semantically-aware services within Kepler, and 2) design and implementation of the SEEK taxon name and concept services. These two groups will meet in parallel sessions. The SMS/KR/Kepler focus is largely centered around the proposed functionality that we wrote up in our SSDBM 2005 submission. Please read that and other SMS background papers before the meeting.
+ * Background reading: [Incorporating Semantics in Scientific Workflow Authoring|]
+ * Background case study from BEAM/KR/SMS meeting in Davis:
+ **ARC dataset
+ ***[EML: 2000lgcover.xml|]
+ ***[Data: 2000lgcover.dat|]
+ **GCE dataset
+ ***[EML: PLT-GCED-0409_1_1.xml|]
+ ***[Data: PLT-GCED-0409_1_1.txt|]
+ **Deana's dataset summaries
+ ***Experimental design: [arc_samp_design.PNG]
+ ***Experimental design: [gce_samp_design.PNG]
+ ***Deana's notes: [Summary_data_concepts_Meeeting041105.doc]
+ ***Comparison of datasets: gce_arc_comparison.png (attached; Wiki insists on displaying this inline when I link it)
+ ***Deana's concept map for the formal ontology-challenged: observations.jpg (attached; ditto)
+ **Other relevant docs/files:
+ ***Rich's measurement ontology (attaches to other existing ontologies, but maybe it will be useful to someone by itself: [MeasurementBase.owl|]
+ ***Draft approach to ontologies: [OntologyDesignNotes.doc]
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- * 10:15am - 12:00pm __Kepler User Interface Design__
+ * 10:15am - 12:00pm __Kepler User Interface Design__ (Downey)
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- * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon__
- * 1:00pm - 4:00pm __Kepler Architecture__ (Berkley)
+ * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon Application Requirements and Design Priority Process__
+ ** (Attachment below: SEEK Taxon Going Forward.ppt)
+ ** Recapitulation of current status and objectives (Beach)
+ *** Strategic Objectives for SEEK Project Integration
+ *** Near-term Development Priorities for SEEK primary use cases (Concept "Resolution" and Merge Concepts)
+ *** User-centered Analysis and Design for Broader Impacts
+ ** Report of Task Analysis Interview with Dr. Kate Jones, Dr. Brett Riddle (Downey, Franz)
+ ** Break
+ ** Discussion: Assessment of Findings
+ * 1:00pm - 4:00pm __Kepler Architecture__ (Berkley) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
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+ * After dinner __Distributed Graduate Seminar__ (Romanello)
+ ** Discussion of running the distributed grad seminar at UNM, UCSB, UC Davis, and KU
+ ** Participants: Romanello, Pennington, Jones, Schildhauer, Ludaescher, Bowers, Beach, others welcome
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- * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Taxon__
- * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Semantic Annotations in Kepler__ (Bowers)
- ** Creating, editing, saving, and publishing annotations for actors, data, workflows
+ * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Taxon Usability Analysis and Process, Continued (w/Downey and Pereira)__
+ ** User Centered Design Process
+ *** Identifying users of Concept "relating" services
+ *** Identifying users of Concept "resolution" services
+ *** Analysis and Design process next steps
+ * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Actor and data classification and browsing__ (Berkley)
+ ** Classification of actors and data into categories, browsing and searching those through Kepler (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
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- * 12:00pm - 1:00pm __Lunch__
- * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon__
- * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Actor and data classification and browsing__ (Berkley)
- ** Classification of actors and data into categories, browsing and searching those through Kepler
+ ** __Ontology-directed workflow design__ (Berkley) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
+ *** UI changes to allow search and browse of semantically (and structurally) compatible workflow components
Lines 49-50 were replaced by lines 86-94
- ** __Ontology-directed workflow design__ (Berkley)
- ** UI changes to allow search and browse of semantically (and structurally) compatible workflow components
+ * 12:00pm - 1:00pm __Lunch__
+ * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Taxon Updates and Priorities__ (All)
+ ** Accomplishments Addressing SEEK Strategic Objectives
+ ** Broader Impact accomplishments
+ ** Break
+ ** 3-6 month priorities, tasks and milestones
+ ** __Taxon Wrap Up__
+ * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Semantic Annotations in Kepler__ (Bowers) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
+ ** Creating, editing, saving, and publishing annotations for actors, data, workflows
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- * 8:30am - 10:00am __Semantic workflow validation__ (Bowers)
+ * 8:30am - 10:00am __Semantic workflow validation__ (Bowers) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
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- * 8:30am - 10:00am __Ontologies__ (Schildhauer)
+ * 10:00am __Break__
+ * 10:15am - 12:00am __Ontologies__ (Schildhauer) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
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- * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Semi-automated data integration__ (Jones)
+ * 1:00pm - 5:00pm __Semi-automated data integration__ (Jones) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
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- * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Semi-automated workflow composition__ (Bowers)
+ * 8:30am - 12:00pm __Semi-automated workflow composition__ (Bowers) (__[notes|SMS_KRDevelopersMeetingNotesMay2005]__)
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- beach/stewart/gales/gauch?/peet/kennedy/liu/franz/downey\\
+ beach/stewart/gales/gauch/peet/kennedy/liu/franz/downey/pereira\\

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